The Student Room Group

London is boring, wish I was dead

I am in London for 2 days already, and I a am bored extremely.
People are to conservative and no one wants to help about some basic things. I was in a shop today and I woman made such a horrible scene because I put my sandwich next to hers. omg. :eek3:
anyone has an advice :s-smilie:

I am kinda of a disappointed with the city after all.

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Reply 1
Don't let one women be the basis of your judgement on the city.
There's plenty to do. What kind of stuff do you like to do?
London is not at all boring. It is what you make it.
Try different parts. Chinatown is always fun...and they have great restaurants
Reply 4
When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.- Samuel Johnson
Reply 5
London is very random, u have to get used to that. Its the most multi-cultrual city in the UK, so expect anything. At night it can be a good time, it may be boring if your by yourself but if your accompained with others its a great laugh to be honest. Just try to go out to places in central London meet new people and then you wouldnt say it is so boring.
Title sounds like an H&R thread :colonhash:
Title sounds like an H&R thread :colonhash:

Yeah it does. What a ri-diculous thing to say though!
When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.- Samuel Johnson

You beat me to it! :p:

O.P- London is one of the least boring cities on earth- Have a look on the Time Out website, there is so much to do!!
I am in London for 2 days already, and I a am bored extremely.
People are to conservative and no one wants to help about some basic things. I was in a shop today and I woman made such a horrible scene because I put my sandwich next to hers. omg. :eek3:
anyone has an advice :s-smilie:

I am kinda of a disappointed with the city after all.

lol you out your sandwhich next to hers so she got angry???:s-smilie: not everyone in London is like that, people usually look quite unhappy in London and other cities compared to people who live in rural areas.
:wtf: You see london as boring?! Get outside, find clubs/stuff to do!
Reply 11
Elaborate on the sandwich story, I'm intrigued
Reply 12
Actually, there is one thing. I am gay and would like to go in a bar or something. But not for sex or relationships omg, just to see how is the gay community here. Are there any gay Londoners here?
I don't think the problem is London. I'm leaving for London in a week for Christmas and I can't wait.
When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.- Samuel Johnson

OMG, I lovethethinker. That's one of my favourite quotations, well, a part of one of my favourite quotations. And by a man I consider a god. :smile:

Oh, and in response to "London is boring, wish I was dead", that should be "were" not "was". But, why do you think it is boring? It's delightful I find.
When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.- Samuel Johnson

Thats what i was thinking :five:
Go to the theatre :wink:

I could never get bored in London.
Reply 17
oh please. i have been here for two years and still am not bored. it's an amazing city.
When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.- Samuel Johnson

Damn. :mad: Beat me to it.
Reply 19
C'mon, there is one thing. I am gay (can you imagine sad gay? :biggrin: ) and would like to go to a gay bar. Are there any gay Londoners on the forum?