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To expand my knowledge!?
Its slightly different for every girl, I think the average is a 28 day cycle from the beginning of one period to the next, in other words 23 days from the end of one to the beggining of the next, hope that helps
Reply 4
The standard textbook cycle is 28 days long
That includes 7 days of bleeding
You count the days of your period from the beginning of one period to the beginning of the next, or the end of one to the end of the next. i.e one full cycle
Naturally not everyone is 28 days although it's pretty common... something to do with the moon...
It can realistically be from about 21 days to about 35... some girls have both :p: Not everyone bleeds the full 7 days - some have as little as 2 or 3 (beeatch!!!) some regularly bleed as much as 14 days a month

Hope that wasn't too gross!!
Reply 5
Yep, Bekaboo said it.

And well done for not remaining ignorant!

Reply 6
some have as little as 2 or 3 (beeatch!!!)

yep that's me, I thought that was normal but apparently my friends average 5 days, sometimes 7 :eek:
interesting-always good for working out no-go times lol

seriously tho, it is quite intersesting
Reply 8
ive got an implant so i dont have any mwoahahahahahaha
Reply 9
some have as little as 2 or 3 (beeatch!!!)

He he, that would be me! :biggrin:
ive got an implant so i dont have any mwoahahahahahaha

How does this implant work?

I have no idea when mine start becuase i don't record the dates (bad I know!!) all i go by is that nearly a month after it should happen soon!! Lol! :biggrin: :biggrin:
Reply 10
I bleed for ages :bawling:
Reply 11
He he, that would be me! :biggrin:

How does this implant work?

I have no idea when mine start becuase i don't record the dates (bad I know!!) all i go by is that nearly a month after it should happen soon!! Lol! :biggrin: :biggrin:

its a small tube that gets injected into your arm and pill hormones are realised into your bloodstream your more or less sterile for 3 years :smile:
Reply 12
Hey im just interested how the female menstruation cycle works lol. What i wanna know is how many days do you count until your next cycle? I mean some girls say their periods are every 23 days. Do they count this from the end of a period to the start of the next? Or from the end of a period to the end of the next? :confused:
Just something i wondered about 5 minutes ago :confused: :redface:
mmmm, im a girl and i have often wondered the same :confused:
Reply 13
I bleed for ages :bawling:
nice way to put it
I'm on the pill so i beed when i want and don't bleed when i don't. Its fun being able to control it.
Reply 15
Im lucky in some ways because i only bleed for 3 days, however the pains i experience are immense :redface: 4 days.... ::with hold urge to kill::

im so happy i waved goodbye to my 12 day agonising periods with the implant.
i only get a few dayas every once in a while but there dying out now ::happy yay::
Mine are usually regular 28/29 days and I bleed for 7 days. A few of my mates only bleed for 3/4 days :eek:
Reply 18
Mine are usually regular 28/29 days and I bleed for 7 days. A few of my mates only bleed for 3/4 days

That must be kind of annoying!
Reply 19
Im lucky in some ways because i only bleed for 3 days, however the pains i experience are immense :redface:

ditto, don't you just luv painkillers :smile: