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Small meaningless fights with girlfriend, why??

Hey just saw my girlfriend at the weekend, and we had about three fights, which is really weird for us, something she said that was hurtful, being moany and then finally doing something which was a bit spiteful. The chain of events for the last one was that we were just in bed kissing, and we had been playfighting, then she led me to believe we were gonna do stuff and then flicked me in a REALLY painful place and believe me when i say really! I left the room and went for a bath because i was so angry, came back and was just silent and ignored her, then she started crying, i said i wanted to leave, then iiiiiiiiii started feeling like i was gonna cry and i was just wondering where the hell it had all come from! she'd said sorry but i still felt angry, eventually we hugged and made up and we left on a very good note! anyone else in a relationship that can help me out and tell me these fights are normal? cos we dont usually have them :< dont want any more! :tsr:
Reply 1
Hey just saw my girlfriend at the weekend, and we had about three fights, which is really weird for us, something she said that was hurtful, being moany and then finally doing something which was a bit spiteful. The chain of events for the last one was that we were just in bed kissing, and we had been playfighting, then she led me to believe we were gonna do stuff and then flicked me in a REALLY painful place and believe me when i say really! I left the room and went for a bath because i was so angry, came back and was just silent and ignored her, then she started crying, i said i wanted to leave, then iiiiiiiiii started feeling like i was gonna cry and i was just wondering where the hell it had all come from! she'd said sorry but i still felt angry, eventually we hugged and made up and we left on a very good note! anyone else in a relationship that can help me out and tell me these fights are normal? cos we dont usually have them :< dont want any more! :tsr:

how long have u two been together..

i had the same things with my boyfriend about 5 months in, we've found its just a stage you go through after the initial 'honeymoon period' <which is different for everyone depending on how much time you spend together.

the sad truth is that every relationship has arguments, which ive learnt. But as a couple you have to learn how to not annoy the other person and try and keep happy and un-argumenative.

from going past one year with my boyfriend we've calmed out arguments down a hell of alot, and its better than its ever been before now.

so dont worry, sometimes you can get on each others nerves, best thing to do is to go in seperate places for a hour or so to calm down, and make up after.

good luck :smile:

oh and the best solution to everything is a hug and a kiss. no matter how angry you feel, you have to learn to push it aside and believe me, all the negative thoughts will go away after a hug, if you really try
Reply 2
its true about the hugging, about 3 months now
Reply 3
after about 5 months me and my boyfriend started to argue quite a lot (not massive rows, just petty little disagreements) but we worked through it and everythings a lot better, we're coming up to 8 months now.
i think its because at the begining of a relationship we tend to ignore the bad or annoying points that our partner has because we feel we dont know them well enough to start a fight for the fear of loosing them. but once you get to a certain stage in a relationship where you feel comfortable enough to do, or say, just about anything; thats when the cracks start to show. But if your a strong enough couple you'll be able to work through it and put your differences aside.
Just remember why you love her, even when your finding her hard to deal with. You'll come through it, it may take time (and probably more petty rows) but you will come through eventually, and your relationship will be stronger for it. :smile:
Good luck, i'm sure everything will turn out all right
Reply 4
It sounds like you need to spend some time apart from each other, if you spend a lot of time with a person you're highly likely to start snapping.
Reply 5
That is totally normal. She was probably having a hormonal day or something. Everyone has little fights in relationships. Or I do anyway.
Reply 6
wellllllllll she was just coming off period and has just started using the pill so hmmmmmmmmmmmm
Reply 7
wellllllllll she was just coming off period and has just started using the pill so hmmmmmmmmmmmm

Oh, the pill is a bugger, I began taking it around that 4-5 month point and we argued constantly. He asked to go on a break 'cos he couldn't take my completely crazy mood swings and anger. But it calmed down when my body got used to it and we are fine, been together for 18 months. Still argue but now its big important things lol!
Reply 8
yeh the pill does cause mood swings, arrogence and in-sensitivity.

i would know cuz im on it....just try to be pacient with her, and tell her when she hurts ur feelings....i know its difficult as my boyfriend gets SO frustrated when i get all hormonal. Its just one og those things really.....

u 2 will be ok soon, promise :smile:
Reply 9
I think that you might find it usefull to use some grammar once in a while.

However, off-topic, I should point out to you that "the Pill"... and this is true... or rather the hormone estrogen that the pill contains can cure acne.

Now to answer the question, there is no evidence or past suggestions that the contents of the pill can cause any of the above.

Mood swings, arrogance and all can be cause from stress, not being sexually satisfied etc. If you want my advice, taking the pill seriously damages the menstrual cycle and will have an effect on your future fertility etc.

If you are planing to have children, then do not use the pill. Also to add, there are ways to have sex without condoms and without a pill. But I trully doubt people of your age would have such experience :P.
Reply 10

If you are planing to have children, then do not use the pill. Also to add, there are ways to have sex without condoms and without a pill. But I trully doubt people of your age would have such experience :P.

The effective ways to avoid pregnancy, though, involve hormones - the only way I can think of without hormones or condoms is withdrawal method - v dangerous! I'd rather take the pill, which my doctor assures me is safe and very effective, than risk pregnancy. And my doctor tells me that mood swings are a normal side effect when you begin taking it.
Reply 11
The effective ways to avoid pregnancy, though, involve hormones - the only way I can think of without hormones or condoms is withdrawal method - v dangerous! I'd rather take the pill, which my doctor assures me is safe and very effective, than risk pregnancy. And my doctor tells me that mood swings are a normal side effect when you begin taking it.

Yep, withdrawl method rocks, thats if u got experience like me peeps.

=) The only time widrawl method dont work is when u get premature ejaculation, well i never had that so.

Personally, I hate condoms, it ruins the whole thing. Might as well have a bash heh?
Reply 12
Wo wo wo I'm not letting that go

Men start releasing sperm in very small quantities before they actually ejaculate

So whether you prematurely ejaculate or not, your girlfriend is still at huge risk of getting pregnant. There is a reason why Catholics generally have larger families
Reply 13
ok... i wonder what then pope would have to say about this. :hahaha: