The Student Room Group

Elbow surgery?

I have a constant irritation in my elbow joint. It really is quite irritating. I think it must be some sort of ligament damage. I showed a dr once, and he tested its flexibility, but it has worsened since then. The pain radiates up my foreman and into the palm of my right hand, its near crippling!

Is it worth risking preventive surgery, to reduce the risk of further damage. These were options I was presented with on one visit to the dr. :frown:
Reply 1
Have you seen a specialist or just your GP? If the suggestion came from your GP, it may be worth getting referred to a specialist for a second opinion... Also, would physiotherapy be an option?

Reply 2
No it was just my local gp. Nice fella. :smile:

Yes I need specialist opinion, but my quam-fear, is with the possible surgery. Just now, as I type with one hand, my elbow is KILLING me. Terrible pain.
I have a constant irritation in my elbow joint. It really is quite irritating. I think it must be some sort of ligament damage. I showed a dr once, and he tested its flexibility, but it has worsened since then. The pain radiates up my foreman and into the palm of my right hand, its near crippling!

Is it worth risking preventive surgery, to reduce the risk of further damage. These were options I was presented with on one visit to the dr. :frown:

where on your forearm - back or front (ie hairy bit or smooth bit)
is it all over the palm or just one half? are you numb in any fingers? (try pricking each finger in turn with a pin/sharp bit of wood)
where abouts in your elbow do you think the problem is - the back of the elbow (ie where your 'funny bone' is) or the front (the elbow pit)?
Reply 4
No it was just my local gp. Nice fella. :smile:

Yes I need specialist opinion, but my quam-fear, is with the possible surgery. Just now, as I type with one hand, my elbow is KILLING me. Terrible pain.

Poor you. All the more reason to get it sorted out asap. You never know, the specialist may suggest a solution less drastic than surgery. Having said that, surgery is nothing to be scared of if it gets rid of the problem!

Reply 5
I would go see your GP again.

As an aside, the medic in me wants to know the same quesitons Jamie has asked! Plus, when the pain radiates into your hand, does it stop totally at the palm, or does it radiate into any fingers? If so which ones? Is the sensation the same/similar as to when you accidentally knock your 'funny bone'? Could be ulnar nerve impingement.
I would go see your GP again.

As an aside, the medic in me wants to know the same quesitons Jamie has asked! Plus, when the pain radiates into your hand, does it stop totally at the palm, or does it radiate into any fingers? If so which ones? Is the sensation the same/similar as to when you accidentally knock your 'funny bone'? Could be ulnar nerve impingement.

No, impingement of the ulnar nerve at any point would only cause pain or tingling in the little and half the next finger. it doesn't supply anywhere else.
From the litle heard thus far you are basically looking at one of five things
- some sort of joint disease which is giving hard to place pain
- a radiculopathy - entrapment of some nerves coming from the spine (which would give this rather broad effect. the 'lack of flexibility' may be more due to biceps being inordinately stronger than triceps or vice versa)
- perhaps jiggery to a different nerve like the radial nerve. is for instance it easier to move the elbow when doing a 'come to me' movement in the elbow (ie like they do when directing traffic) or when you do karate chop type movements.
- Somatoform disease (look it up Fluffy)
- something else
Reply 7
I did wonder about the C6 dermatome.

I like ulnar nerve impingment though - I have it at the moment! It's almost exciting to know exactly what's wrong :smile: I have been to stores and got myself a compass, and have been playing the 'sensation/no-sensation' game with my 4th digit!
Reply 8
Thanks for the replies.

I'll answer the questions asked, in the hope that one of you guys can advise me.

The pain radiates right thru my forearm. It sort of travels thru the bone, you know, its not a muscular ache, its a different sort of pain.

The pain the the palm stops half way, a sort of throbing in the palm face, which is relived when I stick my other elbow into my bad palm and wiggle it. :biggrin:

The pain radiates from the elbow joint. The pit isnt so bad.

Add to that a strained achilles tendon and I am not in good shape. :frown:
Reply 9
I went to the dr again today, re: this issue. I may have a trapped nerve, which will require surgery. I have hindered its healing by playing sports with a "niggle". :/