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My teeth feel weak after braces AND they have shifted slightly?!

Yesterday, I had my braces removed and the dentist said I have to wear my retainers 24/7 unless I am brushing my teeth. I didn't do EXACTLY as he said about the 24 hours...I removed it for 30 minutes to relax and it was because it was really uncomfortable! But I slept with the retainer on and everything!

The next morning, I was in shock when my two front teeth somehow shifted slightly outwards. I didn't dare remove my retainer anymore, not even for a minute. Will they shift back?

Also my teeth are feeling REALLYYYY weak I'm not even kidding! And also you can't eat with your retainers, so how am I suppose to have them on 24/7?

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Reply 1
Try to leave your retainers in for as long as possible.

I forgot the exact term, but basically your teeth are trying to reset themselves and the retainers will ensure they set themselves correctly.

I got a bit lazy with my retainers and consequently my teeth have shifted...

Its a pain, but if you stick with it you'll end up with nice perfect teeth :wink:
Reply 2
You probably just imagined the shifting.
Reply 3
Yesterday, I had my braces removed and the dentist said I have to wear my retainers 24/7 unless I am brushing my teeth. I didn't do EXACTLY as he said about the 24 hours...I removed it for 30 minutes to relax and it was because it was really uncomfortable! But I slept with the retainer on and everything!

The next morning, I was in shock when my two front teeth somehow shifted slightly outwards. I didn't dare remove my retainer anymore, not even for a minute. Will they shift back?

Also my teeth are feeling REALLYYYY weak I'm not even kidding! And also you can't eat with your retainers, so how am I suppose to have them on 24/7?

leave your retainer on as much as possible - your teeth want to move back to their original positions. wearing your retainer stops them trying - eventually.

source - dad's a dentist and i've had them.
Your teeth can relapse really, really quickly. Do as the orthodontist has asked you to or you'll undo all your hard work :yep:
Yeah do it. I lost my retainer and now I have to have braces again :frown: I feel silly.
Hold the phone, you're meant to wear it at all times? My dentist told me to wear it only every night!
Reply 7
Yeah do it. I lost my retainer and now I have to have braces again :frown: I feel silly.

Me too! And this time I've having to pay a fortune to get it done again :frown:
Do your teeth feel wobbly? Mainly the two front ones? Mine do still but my brace came off about 10 years ago.
Hold the phone, you're meant to wear it at all times? My dentist told me to wear it only every night!

Depends what work you're having done! Eventually this person will wear one only at night.. You become less dependant on it as your teeth become less mobile. The longer it's been since you've had the ortho, the less your teeth can move.. :smile:
Me too! And this time I've having to pay a fortune to get it done again :frown:

same! I feel so bad because I'm paying so much to have one tooth moved, but it bothers me so much. At least I'm getting invisalign and not proper braces.
You are probably so worried about them moving that you're imagining it mostly. Just wear the retainers all the time, they will get more comfortable as you get used to them.
Reply 12
never leave the retainers dear
Reply 13
Wear them as much as you possibly can! I had braces for 3 years and still wear retainers every few nights several years after. My bottom teeth have shifted but I'm determined to keep my top ones looking amazing.

Anyone know how long you have to wear retainers for til your teeth stop shifting? I had mine done on the NHS so they just told me to keep wearing them and haven't seen that orthodontist since.
leave your retainer on as much as possible - your teeth want to move back to their original positions. wearing your retainer stops them trying - eventually.

source - dad's a dentist and i've had them.

This, also it is possible to eat with a retainer in, I've had a retainer and a 'removable appliance' that had 4 large blocks of plastic at the back to move my jaw forward and I managed to eat just fine in both of them. The same rules apply with food as with your brace - nothing that'll break them. Just start eating with them in and after a few days you'll be back to normal.
Keep wearing them for a while.. Your retainers should be able to put your teeth back to how they should be.
Reply 16
My teeth felt weak aswell when I had my braces taken out! I don't think it's anything to worry about. I think it's ok to take your retainers out when you're eating, I never kept them in when I ate food. Just make sure you wear them regularly and your teeth will stay nice and straight! :biggrin:
Reply 17
You can eat with retainers in, it feels strange at first, but its fine after a while - and if you want your teeth to be straight you must eat with them in.
You can eat with retainers in, it feels strange at first, but its fine after a while - and if you want your teeth to be straight you must eat with them in.

Was just about to say exactly this, OP you definitely need to leave them in while eating :smile:
Reply 19
Yesterday, I had my braces removed and the dentist said I have to wear my retainers 24/7 unless I am brushing my teeth. I didn't do EXACTLY as he said about the 24 hours...I removed it for 30 minutes to relax and it was because it was really uncomfortable! But I slept with the retainer on and everything!

The next morning, I was in shock when my two front teeth somehow shifted slightly outwards. I didn't dare remove my retainer anymore, not even for a minute. Will they shift back?

Also my teeth are feeling REALLYYYY weak I'm not even kidding! And also you can't eat with your retainers, so how am I suppose to have them on 24/7?

Teeth move most quickly during the first 3 months after having your braces removed. So thats why most orthodontists make you wear your braces full time for 3 months,and then every night after that. Thats why you feel they're moving, because they are! You need to wear your retainers or your teeth will move back to their original position, if you dont..all that hard work with the braces will have gone to waste!