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Reply 1
Pretty much anyone can row for their college in the novice regatta in Michaelmas.
After that you'd have to compete to get into a college boat, but there's usually something for people of all standards.
Most people who come to Oxford have never rowed before, but if you are strong, fit, and have an aptitude for rowing there are lots of opportunities to try out for university squads.
Rowing at Oxford stretches right from complete novices and beer boats messing about on the river up to the olympic standard men's blue boat.
Are you a guy or a girl? In my opinion, women's rowing gets far too little attention at Oxford. Sad.
Also, which position do you play? If you're a massive prop you might have some difficulty :wink:. I play second row and I found that my build was perfect for rowing.
Reply 2
hey, i've got an offer for oxford next year ...

What in? Do you want adding to the Offers List Sticky?
Reply 3
Rowing at oxbridge of really good (where of=is for the benefit of normal people), and rugby players often at least try it out (some colleges have a "rugby boat" which is basically 8 rowers from their college rugby squad, and is usually the most technically crap boat although probably the most powerful!)

First term is a good introduction to rowing, with only a few outings a week (unfortunately they are v early in the morning usually so i hope you're the morning type) although because of the novicing popularity in first term, rivers tend to get crowded with people who just can't row and so your first term experiences arent always representative of what rowing has to offer. But then again, second term can be pretty miserable since it's so cold and wet and the hours of darkness are plenty which means seriously early mornings!
The best term of rowing is easily the last term, with lovely sunny evening outings, so stick it out until then if you can!

And the best build for rowing is a about having strong legs and back, it's a common mistake to presume rowing is in the arms...arms are weak in comparison to the legs and back although obviously you want a bit of muscle there! Rugby players do often have the potential for a good build, but will often have to shed a few pounds of fat (which happens anyway with intensive training).

Tbh at this stage I wouldnt think too much about build and stuff, first term is about enjoying it, and hopefully winning a novice regatta!
Reply 4
What about rowing for girls? i rowed once and really enjoyed it but never had a chance to continue. i think itd be something i really enjoy. the thing is that im a bit of a weakling when it comes to arm muscle strength, i cycle though, so have got good strength in my legs. and what about height? do you need to be tall, coz im only 5ft 5? x x x
Reply 5
You don't need to be some sort of beastly physical specimen to row at Oxford! I know watching the Blues race gives the impression Oxbridge rowers are all men mountains but, believe it or not, they are not typical!
To make a novice boat or second eight hardly any talent is required beyond dedication. So long as you've actually got four limbs you'll be fine if you're determined to do well.
Reply 6
What about rowing for girls? i rowed once and really enjoyed it but never had a chance to continue. i think itd be something i really enjoy. the thing is that im a bit of a weakling when it comes to arm muscle strength, i cycle though, so have got good strength in my legs. and what about height? do you need to be tall, coz im only 5ft 5? x x x

Don't worry, it's all about the legs (apparently; I'm a mere cox) and I know rowers who are shorter than you, so you should be fine. As far as I know, anybody who wants to row can have a go at novice rowing in Michaelmas, and after that there's usually at least two or three female crews per college.
Reply 7
What about rowing for girls? i rowed once and really enjoyed it but never had a chance to continue. i think itd be something i really enjoy. the thing is that im a bit of a weakling when it comes to arm muscle strength, i cycle though, so have got good strength in my legs. and what about height? do you need to be tall, coz im only 5ft 5? x x x

If you look at the Blue boat for women, most of them are pushing 6ft, but that's nowhere near the case in college rowing. Our captain for the last two years is only about 5'4/5'5, and has been in the first boat for three years and could easily have made the uni Lightweight crew if she weren't Captain. I have two friends in the 2nd boat with me (I'm a 5'8 beasty size type but couldn't fit first boat commitment in with 2nd year medicine) who are 5'3ish and they both love it.

Rowing IS all about the legs, arms barely make any difference at all. Loads of people start in Mich term, mostly Freshers but some upper years too (I noviced in my 2nd year) so you don't have to be good at all.

One warning though: it's dangerously easy to let it take over your life!
Reply 8

One warning though: it's dangerously easy to let it take over your life!

Don't let it! It's dangerous :p:
Reply 9
Don't let it! It's dangerous :p:

Tell me about it! I'm having to take a term off rowing next term, just to regain a perspective on the real world away from 6am! Though I'm still going to be coaching and organising our novice regatta :eek: They always get you somehow...
Reply 10
Unfortunately, if you're going to be going to Hilda's, St Catz, Mansfield or St Benet's, you're most likely going to have to miss the rowing next term - there's just been an arson attack on our boathouse and all the boats have been destroyed.

K'uin K'ra
Unfortunately, if you're going to be going to Hilda's, St Catz, Mansfield or St Benet's, you're most likely going to have to miss the rowing next term - there's just been an arson attack on our boathouse and all the boats have been destroyed.


Yep, the boats have all melted into black lumps.
Reply 12
Oh no, really?!? That's awful, I'm really sorry about that. :frown: I can't imagine what would happen if that happened to our boathouse - I assume you'll be able to get the boats back on insurance, but building somewhere to put them will take longer.
Are you actually serious? Have the relevant captains been informed?

The fire happened on Monday night. I'm not sure if presidents/captains have been informed yet. Attached is a picture of the Catz boat house.
Reply 14
it's really easy to take up rowing at any college. if ur interested, thats a great start &u'll be able to do college rowing - whether it be 1st boat or just for fun. I rowed in summer 8s this year & was really just doing it for fun, but you can make it to whatever level you're committed to. you don't have to be a world champ to row in 1st's - my friend started as a fresher and was in 1st's within a term. It's really good as long as you don't mind early mornings.... If ur sporty anyway, tht shld help! gd luck. :smile:
Reply 15
holy crap, that's quite a disaster.....although that scull in the bottom left hand corner looks salvagable! But my goodness that is some serious misfortune for them!
Reply 16
crap, i'm @ catz! that's awful :frown: bloomin vandals!!
Reply 17
Ahh, I'm at catz, and thats terrible!
Reply 18
K'uin K'ra
Unfortunately, if you're going to be going to Hilda's, St Catz, Mansfield or St Benet's, you're most likely going to have to miss the rowing next term - there's just been an arson attack on our boathouse and all the boats have been destroyed.


Or Hertford?
Or Hertford?

Indeed. From the boat club website, the captains don't seem too angry, and all the boats were insured. But still... arson is just stupid.