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Reply 1
same, today I woke up at midday then at 1pm went back to sleep.

Maybe its just that we are tired.
Reply 2
Lol thankgod for that, I don't feel so bad lol :p:

My worst was when I went to this concert a couple months ago, and the next day I slept in until 2 :eek:

I was very ashamed :frown:
i end up more tire when i sleep later than intended.. my body gets used to sleep. i also get a headache when i sleep too long!
Reply 4
im the same, if i get to little sleep im tired all day, if i get to much im tired all day.

Dam this human body and its weakness!
Reply 5
Too much sleep tends to make you as tired as a lack of sleep. Its almost the same, you have to get it just right. :wink: :smile:
Reply 6
Your brain sleeps in units of a certain if you sleep for an amount of time which is roughly equivalent to say two and half units, your may feel less rested than if you slept for exactly two. The units are only rough though and I don't think there's a lot of evidence to support the theory, though it does seem to make some sense. Just something I read once.
Reply 7
i find that if i wake myself with an alarm i will feel fine after 5 mins or so but if i wake up naturally i will feel tired and dreary for a long period of time.

but if i set am alarm the previous day for some reason i will wake up just before or say half hour before the alarm is due to go off even if ive only had like 6 hours sleep, its like i know what time to wake up because ive set my alarm for a particular time
Reply 8
So its not good to sleep too long eh???
Reply 9
its similar to when u run or do activity. before u hav dun alot u hav loads of energy and can run faster etc, then in the middle u get tired and its painful, but soon after u can break the pain barrier and then in effect run faster longer....... although completely opposite, i am sure that wen i started typing this it was actually a relevent idea that did seem to make sense :confused:
Reply 10
^ i get wat you mean - before i go to the gym i dont feel that good when im there i feel crap when i break the pain barrier i feel amazing, like i can take on the world ! :smile:
Reply 11
its similar to when u run or do activity. before u hav dun alot u hav loads of energy and can run faster etc, then in the middle u get tired and its painful, but soon after u can break the pain barrier and then in effect run faster longer....... although completely opposite, i am sure that wen i started typing this it was actually a relevent idea that did seem to make sense :confused:

That makes a lot of sense. This happens every time I work out / go jogging :smile:
Reply 12
Apparently your body is conditioned to sleep for X number of hours, if you sleep longer, the energy created is then wasted - which is why you feel tired again.
Apparently your body is conditioned to sleep for X number of hours, if you sleep longer, the energy created is then wasted - which is why you feel tired again.

Oooo, weird. Apparently 8 hours is the optimum?
Reply 14
Your brain sleeps in units of a certain if you sleep for an amount of time which is roughly equivalent to say two and half units, your may feel less rested than if you slept for exactly two. The units are only rough though and I don't think there's a lot of evidence to support the theory, though it does seem to make some sense. Just something I read once.

Apparently a unit is 1.5 hours. So you'll feel less tired if you sleep 4.5 hours than if you sleep, say, 11 hours.

That's what I heard. Not sure how true it is though :p:
Reply 15
TheBiological Clocks within the body cause people to suffer when for example they have less sleep that they normally do. But this is also the same with when you have more sleep than you usually do. We should sleep roguhly 8 hours, although there is research to say adolesents should get around 9 to accomodate the need for our growth and as sleep stages have essential processes with growth hormones then we may need longer.
Reply 16
Oooo, weird. Apparently 8 hours is the optimum?

I believe that is right for an adult.
Reply 17
Good diet, regular exercise and staying well hydrated have a huge impact on how tired i feel generally, when you go through a stage of complete laziness and bad eating you tend to feel much worse than if you are active i think.
Reply 18
Apparently a unit is 1.5 hours....

Apparently your body is conditioned to sleep for X number of hours

Apparently 8 hours is the optimum?

So everythings happening too apparently, eh? :biggrin:

Why do you all sleep for? :bandit:
So everythings happening too apparently, eh? :biggrin:

Why do you all sleep for? :bandit:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I'm guessing he's a lawyer