The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Id confront them. And I'd ask them why they felt they needed to lie.
Reply 2
Depending on the circumstances, that could well be a very, very low thing to do.

In the end though, there's not a lot you can do about it.
who promised to never see some one again? and why? let's get some context here.
Reply 4
aggreed can we have a proper story here
Reply 5
If it's a three-best-friends two-of-them-fall-out situation, then it's low but there's a reason.
If it's a i-slept-with-my-ex-girlfriend-i'm-sorry-i'll-never-speak-to-her-again then he's a pile of poo and dump him now

Either way. Confrontation. Not why-did-you-see-them? But WHY DID YOU LIE?!

Proper story would help though
Reply 6
Agree with everyone, story.
Reply 7
smack their ##### up
Reply 8
Right If someone promised you not to see someone again, and I mean no phone calls, no going out together ect. And then you found out then been seeing this person behind your back, but still lying to you about it to your face?

What would you do?

I would be very weary of anyone who tried to dictate who I could and couldn't see.

Whoever did the dictating should grow up and get a life.
I would be very weary of anyone who tried to dictate who I could and couldn't see.

Whoever did the dictating should grow up and get a life.

Hear, hear. Unless of course I was george galloway of to see Sadam.