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physics question

hi ppl..cud sum1 plz help me with this question? its about the diffraction of waves (i hate ok heres the question:

a beam of microwaves is directed at two slits in a metal sheet (the pic is attached). P and R are two adjacent positions where a microwave detector would register readings. Use the diagram to determine the wavelenth of the microwaves.

( i was doing 420-442 to get the wavelength but i dont think its that easy..cud sum1 plz explain how to do it???
i think it is that easy. constructive interference happens when the coherent waves are 'n' wavelenths apart. As p and r are adjascent, the distances have a difference of one wavelenth, so the wavelength is 22mm... methinks
Reply 2
hi thanx for replying tishysquishy! r u sure its that easy? i get so confused will all this wave if u say so :smile: thanx once again
Reply 3
hi thanx for replying tishysquishy! r u sure its that easy? i get so confused will all this wave if u say so :smile: thanx once again

it is that easy:smile: - should only be a 1 or max two mark much is it worth?