The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Get a tubigrip from your chemist and wear it whenever you're putting strain on your wrist (is it your wrist?). Also, go to your GP and they might prescribe you some anti-inflammatory drugs of some sort.

Apart from that, the only cure for RSI is rest, rest and more rest... don't just hope it'll go away on its own, try to avoid putting it under unnecessary stress.
Reply 2
Awww I feel for you Rach - I did the same thing right before my Grade 7 exam!! Hurts like a B-I-T-C-H doesn't it!?

I used Ibuleve gel stuff on it to just numb it!
Reply 3
Awww I feel for you Rach - I did the same thing right before my Grade 7 exam!! Hurts like a B-I-T-C-H doesn't it!?

I used Ibuleve gel stuff on it to just numb it!

Cool - yeah it was for my grade 7 too - must be that exam :s-smilie: oh btw - you got the deatails through bout 16th July? mine came yday :smile:
Reply 4
Get a tubigrip from your chemist and wear it whenever you're putting strain on your wrist (is it your wrist?). Also, go to your GP and they might prescribe you some anti-inflammatory drugs of some sort.

Apart from that, the only cure for RSI is rest, rest and more rest... don't just hope it'll go away on its own, try to avoid putting it under unnecessary stress.

Its more my fingers but my wrist and elbow, I'm playing with my orchestra soon and I'm going busking and on tour - hmmm well at least I'm not practising for that long anymore!
Reply 5
Well technically I got the details... but I'm not gonna be there - I'm in Germany :eek: So you're on your own for this one!!
Reply 6
Well technically I got the details... but I'm not gonna be there - I'm in Germany :eek: So you're on your own for this one!!

seriously? So we are down to 5, who will I share a stand with?? :eek:
Hey, i find those magnetic bracelets are great for my rsi though mine is in the wrist, maybe give it a go! other than that, bandage your wrist and hand (or a tight tubigrip)i like the bandages better, i can pressure where i need it.
Reply 8
Yup the viola section has shrunk :eek:
I'm guessing Tommy will sit with you and Tim will cope on his own!
Reply 9
Yup the viola section has shrunk :eek:
I'm guessing Tommy will sit with you and Tim will cope on his own!

yeah makes sense - hope u have a good time in Germany - where bouts u going?
rest, and more rest
Reply 11
I think other than whats already stated, the obvious is to maybe avoid exacerbating the injury by cutting down your hours... maybe 2/3 a day is enough... Its just RSI's HURT
Reply 12
Go and see a doctor?
Yes i'm pretty sure i have repetative strain injury on my right wrist from too much writing over the past exam months- it really really hurts. I tried taking some pain killers, but it didn't help at all :frown: the best thing i think you can do is rest and try to put as minimal strain on it as possible. Or you could go to the doctor and ask to get a bandage on it or something.
Reply 14

My RSI was mild, and using those principles it went away pretty quickly.
Reply 15

used to have a mild case of rsi but now it seems to have gone away. You can pick them up for about £18.
I'm pretty sure I have RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) from playing my viola (up to 5 hours a day) does anyone know anything about this, could help me with syptoms etc..

Thanks, :smile:

The same happened to me. I got repetitive strain from loads of rehearsals for this kid's opera I was playing the viola in, and there was loads of tremolo in it which I think was what caused it.

I went to the doctor and they prescribed a high dose of anti-inflammatories and I had to pull out of all my musical commitments for the next couple of months :frown:. Not nice :frown:
Reply 17

I went to the doctors today who gave me something stronger then ibruprofen (as that didn't work, I tried it last night) and then sent me to the local small hospital where I went to phisotherpy and they gave me a splint thing to top me from moving my left hand which hurts the most around and it seems to have been ok today!