Only have offically lived her 2 and a half weeks but had the keys for about a month, only 1 other tenant who is a laugh and always invites me out for a drink but as I am in 3 days a week and on the days of the student nights I am too tired.
Anyway I was at flatmates 21st party in our house Saturday where over 30 people turned up and the kitchen was filled with empty and full beer cans, vodka bottles etc.
One of my flatmates coursemates went into the fridge and despite there being loads of half full 2 litre bottles of pepsi on the sides in the kitchen then poured a pint of my Coca Cola.
Then tonight I had a big bottle of Cherry Coke in the fridge, went to get a glass and it was gone, knocked on flatmates door and he was in there with 4 friends including the same guy from the party who had my bottle of coke beside him.
I took the bottle of coke to my room but put a cheap bottle of Aldis cola in and 2 hours later went downstairs to see it in living room half gone!
I also noticed that one of those deep fill pies I cooked had no filling in, I cut it in half when I made it as it was too big to eat myself and found it with just the pastry and no filling left when I came down.
Also had a few small things like packs of biscuits go missing.
I know the guy in question is skint as he has spent his loan and hes getting no cash till January but I dont think thats fair on me since hes going out at least once a week and drinking alcohol in my house most nights.
I am sorry if this sounds petty but I see it as theft as it seems my flatmates friends dont seem to respect my stuff and just seem to take what they want.
Finally yesterday after the party there was about 4 shopping bags full of unused booze that people had left and the flatmates friend just grabbed it and took it home with him so he seems to like grabbing stuff that isnt his.
Just a bit angry but am I overreacting?
Also I have 4 cans of beer in my cupboard, havent checked if they are still there and a bit worried.