The Student Room Group

Feeling rough after being upset

I've had a pretty crappy day today and I got quite upset at one point. I've felt really rough all day since, like I'm developing a cold. Does anyone else feel kinda ill after crying? Of course, I may actually be getting a cold, but I wondered if this feeling rough-ness was just the result of my crappy day! I'm sure a hug would make me feel better lol, but it was a hug that set me off in the first place! Can't win eh? :rolleyes: :frown: :frown:
I've had a pretty crappy day today and I got quite upset at one point. I've felt really rough all day since, like I'm developing a cold. Does anyone else feel kinda ill after crying? Of course, I may actually be getting a cold, but I wondered if this feeling rough-ness was just the result of my crappy day! I'm sure a hug would make me feel better lol, but it was a hug that set me off in the first place! Can't win eh? :rolleyes: :frown: :frown:

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww poor you *****hugs for ya :frown:***** hope ya feel better soon and hope ya have a great day tomorrow completely different than today xoxo
Reply 2
Reply 3
gurls go on a hugging marathon with their "troubled" friend... buys would just go and say "you'll be ok mate"
I've had a pretty crappy day today and I got quite upset at one point. I've felt really rough all day since, like I'm developing a cold. Does anyone else feel kinda ill after crying? Of course, I may actually be getting a cold, but I wondered if this feeling rough-ness was just the result of my crappy day! I'm sure a hug would make me feel better lol, but it was a hug that set me off in the first place! Can't win eh? :rolleyes: :frown: :frown:

I know what you mean, I'm sorry to hear you've had such a bad day :hugs: but just get an early night if you can sleep- heavy duty crying can wear you out a lot...(I know...I'm one of these people who just can't help crying a lot!)
Reply 5
gurls go on a hugging marathon with their "troubled" friend... buys would just go and say "you'll be ok mate"

Yeah, I mean how personal! That would console them! :rolleyes: :biggrin:
Reply 6
:smile: :smile: :smile:

*Hugs* Just sleep, crying makes me feel worn out and ill. You'll feel better after a rest :smile:
Reply 8
awww i'm sorry to hear you had such a bad day!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

...any better?!
Reply 9
oooh looks kinda pretty :biggrin:
Reply 10
funnily enough I luv crying, but I can't remember the last time I properly cried must have been 4 years ago. But when I cry, I feel a lot better, I feel better then laughing. :bandit:
Reply 11
gurls go on a hugging marathon with their "troubled" friend... buys would just go and say "you'll be ok mate"

Quite. Whatever happened to the stiff upper lip and all that?

Henceforth, if anyone comes within 1 metre of me for any reason other than to shake hands I shall be summoning the local constable.
*big hugs* :biggrin:
Reply 13
gurls go on a hugging marathon with their "troubled" friend... buys would just go and say "you'll be ok mate"

What is it with men and their crazy fear of showing their emotions? :rolleyes:

Silly boys.
Reply 14
Thanks everyone. The messages were really sweet, and the hugs appreciated. Especially liked the cool thing you did with the hugs there gemchicken!
Did manage to sleep, but not feeling a whole lot better this morning 'coz something else has set me off this morning! :rolleyes: Maybe I just need to get it out my system, then I'll be fine. It's just, has anyone else grown really close to any members of staff at their school/college and now really gonna miss them now we've left? 'Coz that's kinda why I'm upset. Well, partly anyway. Dunno how to get through uni without these people to rely on lol!
Reply 15
Thanks everyone. The messages were really sweet, and the hugs appreciated. Especially liked the cool thing you did with the hugs there gemchicken!
Did manage to sleep, but not feeling a whole lot better this morning 'coz something else has set me off this morning! :rolleyes: Maybe I just need to get it out my system, then I'll be fine. It's just, has anyone else grown really close to any members of staff at their school/college and now really gonna miss them now we've left? 'Coz that's kinda why I'm upset. Well, partly anyway. Dunno how to get through uni without these people to rely on lol!

Awww I know what you mean. More huggies from me :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I wasn't really attached to any teachers at my old school, but when I first started uni (in a new town and meeting all these new people) I realised I missed them like hell! I missed the familiarity of my old school and I was crying loads back then :rolleyes: Sounds harsh but you'll kinda get used to the fact that you'll no longer see these people as often as you want. And then you'll be able to move on.
Reply 16
Im a man, and a manly man, not a girly man. but i love cuddles...mmm...i dunno why most men dont. I dont mind it. Ill even cuddle trees.
Reply 17
Awww bless..

I'm not close to any teachers :frown: So i'm not sure, but keep your chin up xxxxx