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You know what? The grass isn't always that green on the other side. If you're with one person and happy, you might not want to risk losing that happiness for maybe sleeping around and being depressed. You have the whole of your life ahead of you.
Reply 2
I know and understand how you feel.

I've been with my boyfriend two years nearly, and he's the only person i've slept with.
Sometimes i think, 'i'd love to be doing what all my friends are doing, getting more experience' but then i think 'would i really?'

I'm only 17 years old, as much as i love my boyfriend to peices, i'm not certain it's gonna last forever, therefore there will be plenty of time to meet new people, but whilst the relationship is still good, why finish it just to be with someone else?

You can't live your life with the attitude that the grass is always greener. Enjoy what you have. You've got a girlfriend who will have sex with you, i take it you both enjoy it, so don't think about what else is out there!
There is plenty of time for that...
Reply 3
i have this problem too. your not on your own.
I feel like i'm missing out on sleeping with my boyfriend. Does that count?
Reply 5
that's exactly what i thought when i was with my first boyfriend. i was terrified of the thought of only sleeping with him for the rest of my life. Then again, he was a terrible boyfriend and the thoughts i was having were really symptomatic of the fact that I didn't really love him. Now that I have more experience I know for sure that what I have now is what I really want. Sleeping around isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Reply 6
more partners does in no way = more experienced. I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years and i've tried sooo many things that i wouldn't have been able to if i was having random sex for those three years. I've been comfortable to try new things with him, and i've been able to develop skills and try new techniques. Also, it's doubtful that sex with other random people will be better than it is with your girlfriend. Your girlfriend knows you and what you like, exactly how to turn you on etc etc, noone else will know that like she does. xx
Reply 7
i'd rather be with my bloke who knows what i like than with lots of randoms who fumble through it not satisying me!

Talk to your girlfriend, see if you can get her to experiment :wink:
Going with a new person is good cos they might show you something new that you like, then again they might show you something new that you don't like. Being with someone who knows you knows what you like and can make you happy, A new person might have to be shown or educated.
Reply 9
because youre in a relationship or do you just think "woo hoo im sleeping with the person i love, i could want nothing more" cos i'm starting to think im missing out even though i love my girlfriend, cos ive only slept with one person... am i the only one who feels like this, how do you feel? :tsr:

I think it's normal to wonder what things would be like with other people, but to me at least the potential benefits of a greater sexual experience just don't outweigh the benefits of a good relationship. Quantity does not necessarily mean quality. If you and your girlfriend are happy, why worry about it? I realise that people can feel under pressure to be experienced, but I wouldn't be surprised if some of those people who are sleeping with numerous partners would prefer to have what you have. It really is a case of the grass appearing greener on the other side, I think.

If you want to experiment, there are all sorts of books etc. which will get round your lack of experience...
because youre in a relationship or do you just think "woo hoo im sleeping with the person i love, i could want nothing more" cos i'm starting to think im missing out even though i love my girlfriend, cos ive only slept with one person... am i the only one who feels like this, how do you feel? :tsr:

i felt a bit like that with my ex. i mean we split up..and i had 2 one nighters. but you know what? it wasn't all that great. right now i'd be happy only to sleep with my boyfriend i really don't care for sleeping with anyone else. tho i worry if he may not share that feeling.

its up to you
Going with a new person is good cos they might show you something new that you like, then again they might show you something new that you don't like. Being with someone who knows you knows what you like and can make you happy, A new person might have to be shown or educated.

sometimes... but that really doesn't make you better in bed. You can try more things with the same partner and get "ideas" than having different people show you.
Multiplying partners can actually make you worse in bed in my opinion... with girls I've been with, who have been with a lot of guys, I had trouble "connecting". It didn't seem so intimate, I was just a tool for an orgasm...

The idea that sleeping around makes you good in bed is rubbish. If that's what you want to do, do it but to think that makes you better is foolish.
I was just a tool for an orgasm...

Ah yes.. well men have used women as such for long's payback time... :wink:
sometimes... but that really doesn't make you better in bed. You can try more things with the same partner and get "ideas" than having different people show you.
Multiplying partners can actually make you worse in bed in my opinion... with girls I've been with, who have been with a lot of guys, I had trouble "connecting". It didn't seem so intimate, I was just a tool for an orgasm...

The idea that sleeping around makes you good in bed is rubbish. If that's what you want to do, do it but to think that makes you better is foolish.

I wasn't suggesting that it makes you better in bed cos like you i don't think it does i was saying that a with a new partner you might discover new things that you like new ways of reaching an orgasm or new positions unless you have deeply studied and swear by the Karma Sutra which i think has every imaginable sexual thing in it, in which case nobody could teach you anything new. Also i wasn't suggesting multiple partners at the same time, thats just wrong and unfair on all of them.
Sleeping around isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Reply 15
sex rocks, let's face it. i love sex, but at this time in my life it's not priority. i was sleeping with girls whilst i was studying for my GCSEs, but i shall leave casual sex until after my AS/A-Levels.
Reply 16
Whizz Kid
but i shall leave casual sex until after my AS/A-Levels.

That wont last v long.
Whizz Kid
sex rocks, let's face it. i love sex, but at this time in my life it's not priority. i was sleeping with girls whilst i was studying for my GCSEs, but i shall leave casual sex until after my AS/A-Levels.

nice to know you;ve got your priorities straight :rolleyes:

(sarcasm btw)
Reply 18
nice to know you;ve got your priorities straight :rolleyes:

(sarcasm btw)

great. your a comedy legend aren't you.

(sarcasm btw)
Reply 19
I wish my ex girlfriend would realise that I don't want to sleep around or anything when I go to Uni, she's all I want, but she just doesn't believe me. I don't feel I need, or want to be with anyone else. That's partly why we're not together now, because she thinks I want too when we go to seperate unis. :frown: