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Just reading through the news at and i came across this article

Sexuality is determined well before birth and is not the result of social influences, scientists claim.

The authors of a new book published on Thursday say that sexual orientation is decided by a mixture of genetic factors and hormonal activity in the womb - and that homosexuality cannot be "cured". Born Gay by Dr Glenn Wilson of the Institute of Psychiatry and Dr Qazi Rahman of the University of East London has been welcomed by gay rights activists, who say it proves there is nothing "unnatural" about homosexuality.

But the book has been criticised for suggesting that men who see themselves as bisexual should be classed as gay.

I cant really see how bisexuals can be classed as gay really. and does it mean that if your pregnant you can decide whether your baby will be gay or not?

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Reply 1
Well the gland (not sure about spelling of it so wont even bother) at the back of the brain releases the hormones during puberty so i guess you are born with it yes. The gland produces the hormones though, it doesnt contain them when you're born i think.
Reply 2
you can't choose whether your baby is gay or not. it's down to the amount of testosterone they get. i think most women would want their baby to be straight, hence it's probably a good idea they can't choose.
Reply 3
Just reading through the news at and i came across this article

Sexuality is determined well before birth and is not the result of social influences, scientists claim.

The authors of a new book published on Thursday say that sexual orientation is decided by a mixture of genetic factors and hormonal activity in the womb - and that homosexuality cannot be "cured". Born Gay by Dr Glenn Wilson of the Institute of Psychiatry and Dr Qazi Rahman of the University of East London has been welcomed by gay rights activists, who say it proves there is nothing "unnatural" about homosexuality.

But the book has been criticised for suggesting that men who see themselves as bisexual should be classed as gay.

I cant really see how bisexuals can be classed as gay really. and does it mean that if your pregnant you can decide whether your baby will be gay or not?

wow thats pretty interesting as i did hear that it was to do with the way you were brought up and also apparently your brain decides it when your 4 or something. Learn something new everyday.
Sexuality is determined well before birth and is not the result of social influences, scientists claim.

The authors of a new book published on Thursday say that sexual orientation is decided by a mixture of genetic factors and hormonal activity in the womb - and that homosexuality cannot be "cured".

I knew that stress and varied hormonal activity could produce gender dysphoric individuals due to the effects hormones have on brain structure but I didn’t know the same conditions could control sexual orientation.

I guess this solves the “Nature vs. Nurture” argument, now the civil rights campaigners have an argument that is irrefutable.

(…And with a single post I have just made myself sound like a total geek! :biggrin: )
Reply 5
def a good idea u cant choose cos 99% wud choose straight, thats obvious
but u will never be able to choose emotions / personalities i wouldnt of thought, it'd be like choosing if they prefer white or dark chocolate.......interestinf stuff tho and i'd agree ur born gay cos i grew up in a very anti gay society and was encouraged to be with girls by my social circle yet i now i sleep with men only
Yes I heard about this supposed "genetic homosexuality" last year (through my Ethics course). I've also read that you can be born more inclined to become gay at a later age (however - this is not a certainity). But I refuse to believe that social and cultural coniditioning have no significance on one's sexual orientation.
Reply 7
i think most women would want their baby to be straight, hence it's probably a good idea they can't choose.

Reply 8
Born Gay by Dr Glenn Wilson of the Institute of Psychiatry and Dr Qazi Rahman of the University of East London has been welcomed by gay rights activists, who say it proves there is nothing "unnatural" about homosexuality.

but rather simply moves it into the "abnormal" category instead?
Reply 9
Well although I wouldn't want the gay population to be eradicated (such would be the case if we had a choice in the sexuality of our children) BUT of course all parents want their children to grow up and have a family of their own and experience that sort of life - something that cannot be obtained with homosexuality. No parent wants homosexuality for their child - who the hell would?! I know I certainly wouldn't.
wow thats pretty interesting as i did hear that it was to do with the way you were brought up and also apparently your brain decides it when your 4 or something. Learn something new everyday.

right... well what flukey says is partially right and follows the example of Sigmund Froid (a philosopher :P: )!!! However, the whole idea about being born with it dates back to a scientific investigation into pre-destination.

If I remember rightly they tested several identical twins that had been seperated at birth. Among those tested were the "giggle sisters" both of whom laughed all the time. Both had the habbit of pushing at their noses, which they both called 'squidging'; both claimed to have weak ankles as a result of falling when they were 15 and both claimed to have met their husbands at dances aged 16.

Also... two twins called Jim and Jim (named by their adopted parents), drove the same model of car and smoked the same brand of cigarette. Both had elaborate workshops at home where they made miniture furnature as a hobby. Both liked to leave little love letters for their wives hidden around the house. One of which named his first son "James Alan" and the other "James Allan".

Spooky or what??? The point being that since the two brothers and indeed the two sisters had no interaction with each other due to being seperated at birth scientists link the obvious similarities to have been pre-destined through their extremely close genetic matches. Thus... some things must be in our genes, we must have been born with it!!!

One of the possibilities in this case is... Homosexuality. Something that is not the norm but something that I don't see as unnatural at all (there is no helping it)!!!

I think this is what the book must point to...

Smiler :smile:
Reply 11
Surely if being gay is determined by genes then it would have been erradicated by natural selection long ago.

I guess in practice its more complicated and every factor plays a role.
Reply 12
Surely if being gay is determined by genes then it would have been erradicated by natural selection long ago.

I guess in practice its more complicated and every factor plays a role.

Haha thats true! why hasnt it been wiped out?!
Reply 13
I still can't see how it is 'natural'. It serves no purpose other than fufilling some persons sexual lust...
Reply 14
I still can't see how it is 'natural'. It serves no purpose other than fufilling some persons sexual lust...

One word to describe you. - PRICK.

Answer this divi brain: how can something that is not a persons choice (that comes about in the same way to a person just like heterosexuality) be unnatural?

You say it serves no purpose - from that statement it's obvious you're one of these fundamentalist s*its who likes to bring up the whole reproducing argument (technik is especially good at this). AND, heterosexual couples have sex for personal lust and pleasure too - they use protection. Sex isn't all about reproduction.
Reply 15
How it is not a persons choice? These activists groups are always waiting with bated breath for someone to come up with a theory saying "its not unnatural, its not your fault etc etc etc"

Yes, you see - you know the human body. Something tells me that it wasn't made for blokes doing each other up the arse. Something tells me its not quite designed for that and most of the human population over centuries have accepted this except a few who think that just because you want to and not feel ashamed of it - you say its natural and thats that and if you say otherwise - bring on the homophobia/hate crime/victimised crap...

Fundamentalist s*it? Don't be such a drama queen...
well in a way it does nothing to damage the persons life... e.g. somebody who is gay doesn't have to adapt as it doesn't pose a risk to their existance. E.g. an animal changes colour in order to camoflague from preditors. Am not sure natural selection would cause a problem.

And since it's something that they were born with since it's in your genes (according to this scientific theory) then it must be natural if we believe this 'Seabiscuit'. But then again ur unnatural!!!

smiler :smile:
Reply 17
Oh and no doubt you people wouldn't believe in God, therefore see 'natural selection' point...
Reply 18
Haha thats true! why hasnt it been wiped out?!

genetic error?
Reply 19
well in a way it does nothing to damage the persons life... e.g. somebody who is gay doesn't have to adapt as it doesn't pose a risk to their existance. E.g. an animal changes colour in order to camoflague from preditors. Am not sure natural selection would cause a problem.

And since it's something that they were born with then is must be natural is we believe this 'Seabiscuit'. But then again ur unnatural!!!

smiler :smile:

This "something they were born with" just reeks of people desperately trying to justify their actions by claiming its natural to cover up the embarassment. If its natural, nobody can say anything because they can't help it - thats why people play on that line so much.

Why am I unnatural?