The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Well are they blistering?! If they are don't apply cream for heavens sake!

Ice won't do any good.

AFTERSUN. See Helenia's sticky "Fun In the sun" at the top of H&R.
I've got extremely sunburnt arms, and Nivea, Savlon, ice and water have done absolutely nothing to ease the pain. Any suggestions?

you can get some lotion called 'after sun' which is supposed to calm sunburn. Either that or calomine lotion/E45 might help.
Reply 3
Keep out of the sun? I get it real bad on my neck, nasty.
Reply 4
I am a bronze bugger, so I never get burnt. Sorry, this isn't helping. :redface:
Reply 5
Take some painkillers. It wont help the burn but it may help ease the pain. For the burn lie in a cold bath for ages then apply lots of aftersun.
Reply 6
I rubbed E45 cream onto my arms