The Student Room Group
Reply 1
It's impossible for anyone to give an accurate answer to a question like that. You might as well have asked how long is a piece of string!
Reply 2
Swimming I'd have thought plus it works out nearly every muscle in the body and it puts less strain on the body.
Reply 3
Swimming I'd have thought plus it works out nearly every muscle in the body and it puts less strain on the body.

Reply 4
No, it jogging.
Reply 5
But they always advise models who have a chiselled look not to swim because your body will retain a layer of adipose in order to keep you warm

Jogging is more high impact
But swimming works out all of your body
And you're more likely to carry on cos it's more relaxing, and you can start little by little
Swimming is particularly good for when you have injuries. This is because the water acts as a buffer and because of the fact that the power of gravity is less likely to take its toll on your muscles and bones, it's a great way to exercise if you're muscles are a little sore! Be aware of course that if you're very injured, obviously you shouldn't be exercising at all, lol!

Jogging is useful in terms of the high intensity cardio workout it gives your body, which makes it easier, to put it simply, for the weight to drop off (IF you're that way inclined).

It is ALWAYS important before any exercise to stretch appropriately for around 5 mins, and sometimes after too :smile:

*Looks fwd to the day she becomes a physio and actually gets paid to dish out this kind of info* :biggrin:
Reply 7
jogging is cheap!!

i jog
swimming I'd say
Reply 9
i tried both and found that swimming was so much better.
after a couple of days of swimming for about 20-30 mins a day i saw a huge difference and felt like i had lost weight.
if only i could start that again :frown:
Reply 10
swimming for sure.

it exercises more muscles :smile:
Do both you lazy sod...

Swimming good for some things, jogging for others. Do them both possibly in a cycle for example jog one or two days a week and swim one or two days a week.

End of the day, both are good for you.
Reply 12
burning calories i would say theyr about equal, but running perhaps slightly more simply because its much more intensive.
but fitness wise, definately swimming. as someone whose done both quite intensively, swimming builds up phenomenal amounts of stamina. for me moving from swimming to running was easy. but from running to swimming? not so much; u need to be much fitter to swim well.
it just tires you out so much and the thing is you dont even realise till u get out the water and you realise you are absolutely drained!
i miss swimming.. should do it again.
i wanna get into swimming, just dont ever seem to have the time, ya know? its crap like that! i have ordered a bi lateral thight trainer though, should be good, cardio and muscular exercise where i need it most! top stuff