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Holla at Females with Boyfriends

How long must I cuddle after sex to avoid the whole "you don't love me" violin? It's seriously impeding on my beauty sleep. I don't know how much of this I can take before sleep deprivation, and even poorer judgement sees me permanently in the dog house. For example, she rests her head on my manly chest and asks:

"Do you love me?"
"Yeah, sure."
"How much?"
"A lot"
"How come you're so aloof?"
"I'm tired, that’s all - after all I just gave it to you good for 4 minutes."
"I don’t think that’s it… can I ask you a question, and will you be completely honest?"
(oh, ****! There goes my beauty sleep!) "Can it wait until tomorrow?"
"I knew it! You don’t love me!"
"What? Of course I love you, don’t be silly! Go ahead, ask I was just kidding!"
"Are you truly happy?"
"Oh, yeah! Of course I am. What makes you ask?"
"I don’t know… are you sure you’re happy? Anything that would make you happier?"
"Yes, I’m happy. But if you’re serious about making me happier…?"
"Yes, of course I’m serious. What is it?"
"Remember that waitress at Kirsten’s last week, Jennifer?"
"If that’s her name, but yes I know who you’re talking about…"
"Well, would you be opposed if I invited her to join us in our love making?"

Next thing I know, I’m sleeping with the dog outside. I’m lucky if I got 6 hours of sleep that night. Please be precise up to the second, I hate wasting away any precious seconds I can use on my beauty sleep.

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Reply 1
How long must I cuddle after sex to avoid the whole "you don't love me" violin? It's seriously impeding on my beauty sleep. I don't know how much of this I can take before sleep deprivation, and even poorer judgement sees me permanently in the dog house. For example, she rests her head on my manly chest and asks:

"Do you love me?"
"Yeah, sure."
"How much?"
"A lot"
"How come you're so aloof?"
"I'm tired, that’s all - after all I just gave it to you good for 4 minutes."
"I don’t think that’s it… can I ask you a question, and will you be completely honest?"
(oh, ****! There goes my beauty sleep!) "Can it wait until tomorrow?"
"I knew it! You don’t love me!"
"What? Of course I love you, don’t be silly! Go ahead, ask I was just kidding!"
"Are you truly happy?"
"Oh, yeah! Of course I am. What makes you ask?"
"I don’t know… are you sure you’re happy? Anything that would make you happier?"
"Yes, I’m happy. But if you’re serious about making me happier…?"
"Yes, of course I’m serious. What is it?"
"Remember that waitress at Kirsten’s last week, Jennifer?"
"If that’s her name, but yes I know who you’re talking about…"
"Well, would you be opposed if I invited her to join us in our love making?"

Next thing I know, I’m sleeping with the dog outside. I’m lucky if I got 6 hours of sleep that night. Please be precise up to the second, I hate wasting away any precious seconds I can use on my beauty sleep.

sleep and cuddle at once, .... kills two birds with one stone!
Reply 2
:toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny:

I hope thats a joke!
:toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny:

I hope thats a joke!

i was jsut thinking that aswell!
Reply 4
I think he's serious!
Reply 5
*Puts on Freud accent*

Zat iz a classic eexample of ze british male obsession wiv ze humor, or maybe he iz juzt a complete unt utter twit!
Reply 6
I think he's serious!

If he is, he needs to run! :biggrin:
Reply 7
oh dear.

if that is true - with those types of convos, no amount of cuddling will save you :rolleyes: :wink:
Reply 8
Joke? Forsooth! This is as serious as it gets. The problem is I don't know exactly how long cueca need this cuddling session to last. If I did, I can probably tolerate a little smooching to avoid this love introspection situation, where she wants to know forbidden things like what I'm thinking... boy, if I only knew exactly how long women need this kind feed to satisfy their insecurities.
Reply 9
Joke? Forsooth! This is as serious as it gets. The problem is I don't know exactly how long cueca need this cuddling session to last. If I did, I can probably tolerate a little smooching to avoid this love introspection situation, where she wants to know forbidden things like what I'm thinking... boy, if I only knew exactly how long women need this kind feed to satisfy their insecurities.

With a boyfriend like you? ermmmmm you'll probably be massaging her insecurities for a year or two... Providing you haven't found someone else by then...
Reply 10
Joke? Forsooth! This is as serious as it gets. The problem is I don't know exactly how long cueca need this cuddling session to last. If I did, I can probably tolerate a little smooching to avoid this love introspection situation, where she wants to know forbidden things like what I'm thinking... boy, if I only knew exactly how long women need this kind feed to satisfy their insecurities.

You're just god's gift to women, aren't you? = p
Reply 11
With a boyfriend like you? ermmmmm you'll probably be massaging her insecurities for a year or two... Providing you haven't found someone else by then...

Perfect! Just as I calculated - there's another girl who'll be making high 6-figures by the time she hits her sexual peak. That's when - as an ever increasing sexually appealing, witty, dazzling all-man - I'll charm her right out of them cuecas.

This is fail-proof.
Reply 12
You're just god's gift to women, aren't you? = p

:smile: See above!
"Yes, I’m happy. But if you’re serious about making me happier…?"
"Yes, of course I’m serious. What is it?"
"Remember that waitress at Kirsten’s last week, Jennifer?"
"If that’s her name, but yes I know who you’re talking about…"
"Well, would you be opposed if I invited her to join us in our love making?"

:toofunny: you are going to be in the dog house for a long time if that wasn't a joke, shes feelinginsecure so make her feel even more insecure and inadequate, brilliant plan!

omit all the waitress stuff, not going to help if you want a peaceful night :rolleyes:

:p: :p: :p:
I think she's just planning a secret gangbang for you, but she needs some time ringing together all the candidates.

Just wait for an invitation in your mail:smile:
Reply 15
Isn't the general thing of women being at their most vunerable or most open after sex and men being physically exhausted?

You must understand the state she'll be in, but on the other hand explain to her what the after effects of sex will do to you.

Cuddling and showing your love after sex shouldn't be forced - if you can't do it, don't have sex.
Your main question seems to be about sleep. After sex a mans muscles tend to lose their supply of glycogen so any normal girl would go ahead and let her guy sleep. If you can't sleep and cuddle at the same time...i can't answer that one. About the conversation, never ask a girl if you can invite another to have sex with the two of you unless you know that she is up for a threesome, cos your gonna end up sleeping outside in your case.
Reply 17

Cuddling and showing your love after sex shouldn't be forced - if you can't do it, don't have sex.

:rofl: LOLOL, I am just imagining right now, all the guys completely ignoring that post and pretending they never read it. :wink: :p:
:toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny:

I hope thats a joke!

took the words out of my mouth :rolleyes:
Reply 19
:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: Love it!