The Student Room Group

Proactiv Solution(acne treatment)

not sure if anyone has ever mentioned this before but if anyone has got any level of acne, this is just a great treatment to use!!!

people might be familiar with it because of the jessica simpson advertisement on the TV at the moment in the UK. when you see adverts like that ppl(including me) just think that its trash and it will never work but it does!!! i heard about it when i was in america last year and thought i would give it a try. i was always really conscious about my face with really bad acne especially in my T-zone area. i had never really wanted to go on any type of medication so this was perfect for me.

It costs around £35(every 2 months) but depends on the exchange rate at the time-it seems like a lot but the results are worth it!! Sent every 2 months is a renewing cleanser, revitalising toner and repairing lotion(for night and day if its the newer version) used both in the morning and night!! the only problem i had with it was that it overly dried my face up when i used it 2 times a day but now i use it just at night and have still found it to be very effective.

the effects are immediate and after using it for 6 months i now have clear face and all of my acne scars are fading away!!!

i understand this wouldnt be for everyone but for those people who maybe want to stay away from all the pills this is a great alternative!!!
Reply 1
sounds like an advert to me.....

i heard this method isnt actually very effective. my mate was on roaccutane and his acne was gone within about 6 months. he just had slightly dry skin while taking it but it certainly worked.
Reply 2
not sure if anyone has ever mentioned this before but if anyone has got any level of acne, this is just a great treatment to use!!!

people might be familiar with it because of the jessica simpson advertisement on the TV at the moment in the UK. when you see adverts like that ppl(including me) just think that its trash and it will never work but it does!!! i heard about it when i was in america last year and thought i would give it a try. i was always really conscious about my face with really bad acne especially in my T-zone area. i had never really wanted to go on any type of medication so this was perfect for me.

It costs around £35(every 2 months) but depends on the exchange rate at the time-it seems like a lot but the results are worth it!! Sent every 2 months is a renewing cleanser, revitalising toner and repairing lotion(for night and day if its the newer version) used both in the morning and night!! the only problem i had with it was that it overly dried my face up when i used it 2 times a day but now i use it just at night and have still found it to be very effective.

the effects are immediate and after using it for 6 months i now have clear face and all of my acne scars are fading away!!!

i understand this wouldnt be for everyone but for those people who maybe want to stay away from all the pills this is a great alternative!!!

very well done... you have learnt to copy an advert into forumns very well!
Reply 3
meh, proactiv is just american benzoyl peroxide. it just turns my face red and dries the skin out. because of the NHS, we may as well go for prescription stuff instead.
Reply 4
meh, proactiv is just american benzoyl peroxide. it just turns my face red and dries the skin out. because of the NHS, we may as well go for prescription stuff instead.

I used to have a pill the doctor gave me that was great!
Reply 5
sounds like an advert to me.....

i heard this method isnt actually very effective. my mate was on roaccutane and his acne was gone within about 6 months. he just had slightly dry skin while taking it but it certainly worked.

I had that, and now i'm pretty much all clear appart from a couple of scars. It's a right chore though, makes you lose all your energy and drys up your skin pretty bad.

But hey, i'm happy now.
Reply 6
i wouldnt go so far to say its an advert.. its just the joy of discovering a cure for something you dread.. :wink:

but i think you should just go see a dermatologist. they know whats best.
Reply 7
Did you say benzoyl peroxide??? I had that treatment once at it was no good at all... did not treat my acne at all... until now im suffering acne.. =[
Reply 8
Surely instead of complaining about advertising, it would be easier to report!
Reply 9
i wouldnt go so far to say its an advert.. its just the joy of discovering a cure for something you dread.. :wink:

but i think you should just go see a dermatologist. they know whats best.

It is far too contrived to be a one off 'I think this is great' I would say its a standard letter ptoduced by the company then sent around student forums, you know do a couple of posts then post this thread - bet your money on it (unless she reads this and decides to prove me wrong...)
Reply 10
its just more benzoyl peroxide ********
ffs, no matter how its packaged ppl, look at whats in the pack before you buy. You can get benzoyl in 2.5% and 10% in the UK (OXY) so buy that if your acne isnt cysts otherwise go to your doc for the good stuff.

If this is just an ad, it makes me pretty sick that they try to pass it off this way. This a place for advice not a marketplace.