The Student Room Group

If you have a boyfriend who claims not to watch porn - is he always lying?

My boyfriend said he stopped watching porn about three months into our relationship when things started to get serious. I told him repeatedly that I was fine with it and he shouldn't stop because of me. He insists that it is own choice and that he wouldn't lie to me about it.

Yet on here, if a girl claims her boyfriend doesn't use porn, there's always a load of sarcastic replies from people telling her how naive she is and that obviously he does watch it, just without her knowledge.

Is this always the case?? Is it actually impossible for a guy to stop watching porn when he has a girlfriend?!

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I'd assume so, I personally never watch porn but that's more to do with the I don't see the attraction of it.
Reply 2
It's perfectly possible that he's telling the truth. I've had girlfriends in the past and I don't watch porn, as have loads of people.
I dont watch porn, okay i've seen it once or twice but like SirMasterKey says, I dont see the attraction of it...I can do that stuff with my other half so I dont see the point of seeing other people do it?
But I am aware that some people get a thrill out of it so..
Reply 4
Then why do people on this forum always make sarcastic jokes like "oh, he just does it when you're out of the house and then lies to you about it..."
Not necessarily. I've seen guys on TSR say they don't watch porn because they simply don't feel the need, especially when they have a girlfriend, or they just don't find it attractive. Why would they lie about the issue on an internet forum?
Reply 6
OP this is the internet, this is normal. On most subjects you will always get someone with a sarcastic response.
Reply 7
if a girl says her boyfriend doesn't watch porn, there's always a reply from guys saying "oh you're so naive, all guys watch porn" etc. just makes me doubt whether mine is telling the truth - i know that he did watch it at the beginning of our relationship and before he met me, so it's not like he doesn't see the attraction.
Then why do people on this forum always make sarcastic jokes like "oh, he just does it when you're out of the house and then lies to you about it..."

How would they know?

You know your boyfriend and so only you can know whether he is telling the truth when he says that.
Then why do people on this forum always make sarcastic jokes like "oh, he just does it when you're out of the house and then lies to you about it..."

Because for some peculiar reason they don't like the fact that unlike themselves, some guys genuinely have no interest in it or just want to do sexual stuff with their girlfriend, rather than watch other people do stuff. Plus, they probably get a malicious kick out of trying to make the girl really paranoid and destroy her trust in her boyfriend.
Reply 10
They're just jokes, some guys don't watch porn :smile: this sounds terrible, but I find it really weird when guys say they don't watch porn. Do they not even look at sexy photos and stuff? :s-smilie:
Reply 11
How would they know?

You know your boyfriend and so only you can know whether he is telling the truth when he says that.

it just seems that people find it impossible to believe a guy could not watch porn whilst in a relationship. one even said and i quote "you're naive to think that he doesn't watch porn just because he's with you."
Reply 12
lol im a guy and i dont watch porn.. and tbqh most guys do, but i would say ti belive him , i doubt hed tell you hed stopped if you dnt mind. relationships need trust:wink:

but yeahh ,my girlfriined doesnt belive me that i dont :P

and before anyone hates on this comment i would like to say that it would be pritty odvious all you did was hate on people trying to give a serious reply and watch porn :smile: so just dont .
Reply 13
when in a relationship with regular sex most guys would rather not watch porn, just because you know you'll get some. But when your not ...
he probably is telling you the truth, not all guys watch porn and even if they do they would mostly stop watching when they in a relationship
I found it weird that my boyfriend kinda stopped watching porn when we started having sex :p:

Think he's started again though now we're at uni :yep:
Reply 16
Not always. If he does watch it though, I don't see how it's a problem really, unless you're completely against it. If he watches it then obviously your relationship matters a lot more to him, as he is trying to hide it, so you don't get cross or anything. I'd make him promise that he doesn't.
Why isit weird not to watch porn? I dont watch it, not because i have a gf but because i can control myself.
Reply 18
As far as I can work out, the accusing girls of being naive mostly occurs when they try to stop their boyfriend watching porn. If you have no problem with it then he's got no reason to lie to you about it.
How can you not look at porn? The mind is a wonderful thing, but sometimes the imagination needs a bit of provocation.