The Student Room Group

Sleeping problems

Last night I went to bed at 11pm and didn't get to sleep until about 3.30am, and woke up several times between then and when I got up at just before 9am. I don't know why this is, because I haven't got anything much on my mind at the moment and even in the heat, it's never taken me that long to get to sleep before. Has anyone else experienced this/got any suggestions which don't involve sedatives? Thanks!

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Reply 1
Um i cant really help here but maybe try a hot bath and a hot chocolate before you go to bed, that supposedly makes you sleepy. I have never tried that but when i cant sleep i generally read a book in bed and i fall asleep within 30 minutes! I hope that hekps.
Reply 2
Um i cant really help here but maybe try a hot bath and a hot chocolate before you go to bed, that supposedly makes you sleepy. I have never tried that but when i cant sleep i generally read a book in bed and i fall asleep within 30 minutes! I hope that hekps.

Yeah, that works for me in winter but in the summer when it's hot I get really agitated so I guess a hot bath and hot chocolate would just make things worse! I think part of the problem is that I can only sleep on one side otherwise I go deaf in one ear... therefore it gets a bit uncomfortable. This said, it's not been too much of a problem up until now.
Reply 3
actually, the same happened to me last night .... i think it was cos of the heat though.

what i tend to do is listen to music, which kinda rocks you to sleep (just like reading a book) ...
Reply 4
I think part of the problem is that I can only sleep on one side otherwise I go deaf in one ear... therefore it gets a bit uncomfortable. This said, it's not been too much of a problem up until now.

Sorry, but can you explain why please?
I have appalling hearing in one ear, though it's actually an advantage for going to sleep because i just sleep on my good ear then I hear barely any background noise. :cool:
Reply 5
Sorry, but can you explain why please?
I have appalling hearing in one ear, though it's actually an advantage for going to sleep because i just sleep on my good ear then I hear barely any background noise. :cool:

If I sleep on my bad ear it becomes blocked and uncomfortable and I get really agitated. If I sleep on my good ear then my bad ear doesn't get blocked and uncomfortable and I can lead a normal life the next day. :s:
Reply 6
dnt spend as much time on the internet and you'll sleep better
Reply 7
If I sleep on my bad ear it becomes blocked and uncomfortable and I get really agitated. If I sleep on my good ear then my bad ear doesn't get blocked and uncomfortable and I can lead a normal life the next day. :s:

Hmm that's slightly beyond my knowledgibility. :rolleyes:

Maybe you weren't active enough during the day? Mentally or physically?
Or were hot- it was hot last night :smile:
Reply 8
Hmm that's slightly beyond my knowledgibility. :rolleyes:

Maybe you weren't active enough during the day? Mentally or physically?
Or were hot- it was hot last night :smile:

I had been for a walk during the day and I'd done lots of reading, so it wasn't that I wasn't active. I was hot, yes, but not as bad as a week or so ago and I didn't have any problems then. Weird! :s:
Reply 9
heading towards the wrong time of the month?
Reply 10
heading towards the wrong time of the month?

Started last night... but I've never had trouble not sleeping at that time of the month before, which is why it's kind of strange!
Reply 11
Last night I went to bed at 11pm and didn't get to sleep until about 3.30am, and woke up several times between then and when I got up at just before 9am. I don't know why this is, because I haven't got anything much on my mind at the moment and even in the heat, it's never taken me that long to get to sleep before. Has anyone else experienced this/got any suggestions which don't involve sedatives? Thanks!

Excerice soon before you go to bed or something, what did you do yesterday? Because if you've done little then it would have taken you a long time.
Reply 12
Started last night... but I've never had trouble not sleeping at that time of the month before, which is why it's kind of strange!

Oh, I think a lot of us have problems sleeping then. It makes you more sensitive I guess so you can't switch off. Also makes you hotter... but you said you weren't that hot :cool:
Reply 13
Um, you had a bad nights sleep, big deal, you could be fine tonight. :smile:
Reply 14
Um, you had a bad nights sleep, big deal, you could be fine tonight. :smile:

It's been going on for ages :frown:
dnt spend as much time on the internet and you'll sleep better

Not sure if you were being serious or joking, however i can imagine being online too late at night could make you not sleep as well.
Reply 16
john williams
Not sure if you were being serious or joking, however i can imagine being online too late at night could make you not sleep as well.

lol that is probably true, it takes ages for me to go to sleep at night because i simply have nothing to do throughout the day.
Reply 17
john williams
Not sure if you were being serious or joking, however i can imagine being online too late at night could make you not sleep as well.

oh yes, it's far too invigorating. One must wind down before sleep. :rolleyes:
Reply 18
john williams
Not sure if you were being serious or joking, however i can imagine being online too late at night could make you not sleep as well.

Hmm, well I'm never online in the evenings anymore so I doubt it's that!
Reply 19
Hmm, well I'm never online in the evenings anymore so I doubt it's that!

Maybe you have been more unrelaxed recently, i can't really help though as i have no idea, so i'll shut up know!