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Fillings shouldn't hurt.
tomorrow i am going the doctors for a filling. I need an injeciton to numb my gum. Now, i dont like needles coz they are horrible, so i am just wondering if the needle hurts? Also, does the filling hurt later on?

aww unlucky LPK :frown:

the needle may hurt a bit the first time, but then your mouth will go numb and you will feel nothing else. You'll be fine! the filling doesn't hurt once it's in! it will feel weird, but not hurt. :biggrin:
Reply 3
is it the top row or bottom?

the needle doesn't hurt but i've felt quite a bit of pain from the drill when getting a filling in my top row... bottom was fine :smile:
Reply 4
the top row, the tooth at the back on the left, and another 1 directly below it :frown:
is it the top row or bottom?

the needle doesn't hurt but i've felt quite a bit of pain from the drill when getting a filling in my top row... bottom was fine :smile:

yea but LPK is young, it's unlikely the drill will hurt because he will most likely have stronger teeth.... didn't hurt me (top row, last tooth) first time round...
Reply 6
should be fine if it's on the back... and I didn't mean PAIN as such, more just a cold sensation, which my tooth was very sensitive to - you'll be fine!
Reply 7
should be fine if it's on the back... and I didn't mean PAIN as such, more just a cold sensation, which my tooth was very sensitive to - you'll be fine!

hmm, i am still nervous :redface:
i had one last week.... they put a gel on your gum so you can barely feel the needle!
i had a really deep filling in the side of my back tooth and it hasnt hurt since so dont worry
the needle will hurt and when you have to wait for it to numb it will be really werid and annoying cos you'll wanna feel it. and then you might feel some stuff when they do the filling, but the sound will be the thing that scares you
Reply 10
No, shouldnt hurt, the stuff they put in your teeth (mouthem?) smells a bit like cinnamon which is great nice, but scary. When it's done you also feel that one side of your mouth is bigger than the other and is very annoying.
i've just had a filling done this afternoon, it was fine and so is the needle, i shut my eyes and listen to the radio, it's all good.
Reply 12
The great thing about having things done to your mouth is that you can't see what the hell is going on. This is good because it means you don't have a clue when to expect anything, and so it's over quicker than you think.

Also, having part of your mouth numbed allows you to experience the strange sensation of snogging yourself - it really does feel like someone else's mouth!
Reply 13
Also, having part of your mouth numbed allows you to experience the strange sensation of snogging yourself - it really does feel like someone else's mouth!

:rofl: :rofl:

hmm, so u can whack yourself in the mouth and you wont feel it? :biggrin:
I've never had a filling done where I needed an injection, so I don't know about the needle. My last filling hurt a little, but in a dull ache kind of way, rather than total out and out pain. The again, my dentist didn't user any type of painkillers for me at all, as he said I didn't need them as the drill was that small. Pfff, what does he know?
Reply 15
hmm, so u can whack yourself in the mouth and you wont feel it? :biggrin:

My dentist warned me not to even gentally bite the inside of my cheek when I had mine done as some people don't realise that they are biting too hard and into their flesh :eek: !
Reply 16
tomorrow i am going the doctors for a filling. I need an injeciton to numb my gum. Now, i dont like needles coz they are horrible, so i am just wondering if the needle hurts? Also, does the filling hurt later on?

the answer to all your questions is: nei...
first they put on some orange paste to numb your gums, then they numb your gums even more with an injection. they numbed em with paste earlier so you'll barely notice. then they pull out your teeth/screw them on/apply fillings/deapply fillings/etc...
and then your mouth feels bent halfway up your cheek because of the numbness...
No it doesn't hurt as soon as whatever pain killers or numbing material they will use touches your gum you wont feel a thing
ARGHHHH needles!!! :afraid:
ARGHHHH needles!!! :afraid:

*Pokes with syringe*