Hi, today I bought an o2 Genie Sim Card, but I have not topped up yet. But for some reason I was able to send text/picture messages, surf the internet without any money? Can anyone expain?
Hi, today I bought an o2 Genie Sim Card, but I have not topped up yet. But for some reason I was able to send text/picture messages, surf the internet without any money? Can anyone expain?
You bought them?? How much did you pay? They keep on sending me packs of lyk 4 to me for free!
I dunno. i herd they were gonna stop them, but that was a couple of years ago. Look on the o2 website. They have promotions every couple of months, where they'll send you up to about 4.
still does anyone have any idea why my 300 texts messages a month sim card allows me to send texts without any money topped up yet?
u get 300 txts FREE EVERY MONTH... so once uve topped up... uve got a bank of at least 300 txts, which u can use at any point for the next month (and also for a few more days) irrespective of ur balance or new top ups