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What does depression feel like?

I dont understand, is it where you cant sleep/sleep too much, just fed up and lack energy or is it actually an intense 'feeling'.? Ive been getting bad feelings for years on and off its like feeling sad, suffocating, mixed with anxiety and thinking something bads going to happen like going into a coma or something (last bit just an example :smile: )
Has anyone been to see a couceller? If so what do they say? Im thinking of going but I just dont see how talking can help plus it would be a bit embarrasing id have no idea how to start the conversation :confused: My mums sick of hearing me moaning.
Reply 1
i spent 4 years being majorly depressed. i think its over now, but i know part of it will never go away, and theres still many other issues effecting things. it was just there day after day, it was relentless, and i just couldnt take anymore so i went to the doctor i ended up on medication and had councelling, neither of witch really helped, i also went to a psychiatrist for a year or so and had family therepy, that helped much more. sometimes it does help to talk, but talking isn't going to take the pain away, but keeping everything locked up deffo wont help. the best thing you can do is too see your doctor, explain how you feel.
Reply 2
i spent 4 years being majorly depressed. i think its over now, but i know part of it will never go away, and theres still many other issues effecting things. it was just there day after day, it was relentless, and i just couldnt take anymore so i went to the doctor i ended up on medication and had councelling, neither of witch really helped, i also went to a psychiatrist for a year or so and had family therepy, that helped much more. sometimes it does help to talk, but talking isn't going to take the pain away, but keeping everything locked up deffo wont help. the best thing you can do is too see your doctor, explain how you feel.

Did you know what was causing it? Glad you finally feel a bit better though, was it an intense feeling as I described that came on several times a day or lack of energy etc?
I Bet it doesnt help you by talking about it sorry :redface:
Reply 3
Did you know what was causing it? Glad you finally feel a bit better though, was it an intense feeling as I described that came on several times a day or lack of energy etc?
I Bet it doesnt help you by talking about it sorry :redface:

i just spent most i time crying or feeling overwhelmingly stressed, some days i'd just lie on the floor stairing into space, perfectly still. i think it roots back to when my sister died when i was 9, i was alright at the time, when your a kid you pick yourself up and things carry on, it wasnt untill i got to about 13/14 that it really hit me then when i was 15 i got really depressed. there were other things affecting it too, i have trichotillomainia and ocd, although they are both much better now.
Reply 4
i just spent most i time crying or feeling overwhelmingly stressed, some days i'd just lie on the floor stairing into space, perfectly still. i think it roots back to when my sister died when i was 9, i was alright at the time, when your a kid you pick yourself up and things carry on, it wasnt untill i got to about 13/14 that it really hit me then when i was 15 i got really depressed. there were other things affecting it too, i have trichotillomainia and ocd, although they are both much better now.

At least your on your way to recovery, kinda :smile: That sounds quite bad and youve got a good reason to be depressed.
Reply 5
Lack of energy, sleep problems are common.
Reply 6
I dont understand, is it where you cant sleep/sleep too much, just fed up and lack energy or is it actually an intense 'feeling'.? Ive been getting bad feelings for years on and off its like feeling sad, suffocating, mixed with anxiety and thinking something bads going to happen like going into a coma or something (last bit just an example :smile: )
Has anyone been to see a couceller? If so what do they say? Im thinking of going but I just dont see how talking can help plus it would be a bit embarrasing id have no idea how to start the conversation :confused: My mums sick of hearing me moaning.

I've seen posts like this from you before. Please go and see your GP who will refer you to a consultant psychiatrist. If it is Clinical Depression, then you may have to take meds. (I myself have a psychiatric condition and take psych meds). As for counselling - have you been to see your college counsellor? In my experience they are excellent.
Reply 7
Its horrible...
Yes, its not pleasant, I should know as I've had clinical depression for nearly 2 years, the most important thing is to get yourself to a doctor ASAP. I know its not a thrilling prospect and the thought of telling someone what you're feeling isnt great but believe me, it could be the turning point. Whatever you're feeling, whether its depression or not, isnt something to be ignored.
Reply 9
Yes, its not pleasant, I should know as I've had clinical depression for nearly 2 years, the most important thing is to get yourself to a doctor ASAP. I know its not a thrilling prospect and the thought of telling someone what you're feeling isnt great but believe me, it could be the turning point. Whatever you're feeling, whether its depression or not, isnt something to be ignored.

And for some people telling an impartial outsider can be hugely liberating.
Reply 10
I dont understand, is it where you cant sleep/sleep too much, just fed up and lack energy or is it actually an intense 'feeling'.? Ive been getting bad feelings for years on and off its like feeling sad, suffocating, mixed with anxiety and thinking something bads going to happen like going into a coma or something (last bit just an example :smile: )
Has anyone been to see a couceller? If so what do they say? Im thinking of going but I just dont see how talking can help plus it would be a bit embarrasing id have no idea how to start the conversation :confused: My mums sick of hearing me moaning.

depressino is terrible...i thought i'd never go through it because i'm the relaxed type, but yr 13 is hell...with uni's relying upon A-levels grades and all...the pressure becomes unbearable!...i wish they'd reintroduce the post A-level application system again...that'd relieve the stress on thousands on students:cool:

plonker of a philosopher :eek:
for me when i was depressed it felt like te whole world was against me, everything was dark, cold and black and i was never loved by anyone - not even by my family :frown: thats how i interpretted my depression xoxo
Reply 12
the sleep thing varies from person to person, but it will almost certainly be different from normal for everyone.

for me it was (might still be but..) a lack of energy, didn't see the point in doing anything. But it wasn't just feeling 'fed up' either, it was a total inability to enjoy any moment, I'd get teary over tiny things, contemplate what would happen if I wasn't around, not hungry.
Sometimes get home and cry for hours.

Not seen a councellor, if you're in the position to see one, i think you should.
Reply 13
Being depressed is horrible, a lot of the time people say they are, when they have no real reason, and they actually aren't.

I get it now and again, but only when thinking of my ex girlfriend, because she means so much to me, and I think of all the things that might not never happen, get's me down. Everyone has different reasons for being down, such as losing loved ones etc. Don't wish it on anyone, mind.
Reply 14
Depression doesn't exist in the Western world.
Depression doesn't exist in the Western world.

and your reasoning for that is..?
[considering depression is sometimes said to be a chemical imbalance in the brain so is the same world wide]
Reply 16
Depression I'm afraid creeps up on all of us. I am the most outgoing of people and absolutely hate attention, but 1 year and 3 months ago I suffered from more stress than depression. A few points that occur:
1) DIB (Difficulty in Breathing)
2) Anxiety
3) Eating less

If you really are not the type of person that gets depressed easily or stressed, I strongly reccommend a GP visit or (& I'm being dead serious) yoga or pallate (or how ever you spell it) courses. I suffered from severe DIB at a heart rate of 110-120 (standard) for 3 months causing me on many occassion to breathe in too much oxygen thus causing me to get very dizzy spells. I couldn't eat, participate in activities or anything! Its just bizzarre. I can't explain why. I was in and out of the hospital every week for 5 weeks whilst they tested me. I was desaturating when exercising which was very wierd.
Subsquently and very reluctantly I had to join a pallate class full of women to try and get over this nonsense adminst the funny looks, and it worked.

Basically I know quite a lot about this because it really did take up my months between February and June of last year. Don't forget about it because it can worsen.
Reply 17
For me, depression was like... you know when you're about to cry and it sort of hurts in the back of your throat? Like that, but constantly. Feeling like anything could set you off, and then crying when nothing sets you off. Basically, crying every day. Couldn't sleep sometimes... up until 4 in the morning. Some days I wouldn't get up, and would spend the whole day in bed. Erm... general feeling of self-loathing, and not being able to communicate with people properly.

It can take a long time to fix too, and its important *(but hard, obviously, if you're depressed) not to give up. I had my first therapy at 9, and had my last (forever, hopefully) at 16. I went through three therapists, different medications, and self-harmed and had delusions at different points through it. But now, I think I'm quite happy and well-adjusted... I always have to be aware that its there, though.

Some people are adament that depression 'doesn't exist' but nobody should ever believe that depression is something fictional. I have a friend who developed depression when his dad died (like me) but unlike me, wasn't diagnosed, and ended up suffering from psychotic depression for years, and is still on some really hardcore medication. So if you think you're depressed: shout about it.
depression. i am always going thru it. it is the time when u hate urself and the world. and don't feel like eating or having fun. are always anxious.ur heart beat is very very fast. at my peak in depression , it was so high. i cud literally hear my heart beat
u hate life. and cry all the time. withoust a reason. its horrible. u feel as if u don't have e friend.