The Student Room Group

Am i the only one who feels crappy in summer?

Everytime summer hits and its hot i always feel down. Everybodys just going round, happy, lovey dovey, flirting haveing fun etc etc and it just generaly gets me down and feel crap.

And the fact everybody is wearing next to nothing and that im always coverd up (me being a twig and all), everybody seems to have these amazing bodys (both guys and girls) and me standing no chance ever being like that. Even when i talk to my best friend i feel like she deserves better and should go out and find somebody else.

Am i the only one who feels like this? =/

And yes i know im a freak lol

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Reply 1
that is ok, i feel too thin for my age. Thats why i'd rather wear something long. Maked me down really, i wish i was taller and had a bit more flesh
Reply 2
Everytime summer hits and its hot i always feel down. Everybodys just going round, happy, lovey dovey, flirting haveing fun etc etc and it just generaly gets me down and feel crap.

And the fact everybody is wearing next to nothing and that im always coverd up (me being a twig and all), everybody seems to have these amazing bodys (both guys and girls) and me standing no chance ever being like that. Even when i talk to my best friend i feel like she deserves better and should go out and find somebody else.

Am i the only one who feels like this? =/

And yes i know im a freak lol

Yeah well Kate Moss is a twig and she looks great! There are plenty of summer clothes that you can wear to accentuate your figure. I think you need to stop concentrating on the negative and start focusing on the positive. Don't let those negative thoughts hold you down :smile:
Hey, don't worry about it. Stop covering yourself up, cheer up and get out there into the beautiful sunshine. I occasionally feel a bit down when its too hot, but i get over it.
Reply 4
Everytime summer hits and its hot i always feel down. Everybodys just going round, happy, lovey dovey, flirting haveing fun etc etc and it just generaly gets me down and feel crap.

And the fact everybody is wearing next to nothing and that im always coverd up (me being a twig and all), everybody seems to have these amazing bodys (both guys and girls) and me standing no chance ever being like that. Even when i talk to my best friend i feel like she deserves better and should go out and find somebody else.

Am i the only one who feels like this? =/

And yes i know im a freak lol

Same here actually. Back in high school, the most depressing day of the year was the first day of Summer holiday. The weather's sunny, everyone's out and pretending to be happy so as soon as I'm not feeling like I'm having as much fun as everyone else, it gets me down :frown:

Plus to be honest, heat isn't my thing. Give me a -30 degree winter over a 40 degree summer any day.
Reply 5
''And the fact everybody is wearing next to nothing and that im always coverd up (me being a twig and all), everybody seems to have these amazing bodys (both guys and girls) and me standing no chance ever being like that. Even when i talk to my best friend i feel like she deserves better and should go out and find somebody else''If you weren't a decent person your friend wouldn't be your friend would she! And people are probably looking at your slim figure and are feeling jealous. It works both ways :smile:
Reply 6
Yeah well Kate Moss is a twig and she looks great! There are plenty of summer clothes that you can wear to accentuate your figure. I think you need to stop concentrating on the negative and start focusing on the positive. Don't let those negative thoughts hold you down :smile:

lol trust me i DONT look great, im 6ft and 8stone, my arms are like chopsticks and i dont even want to go on about the rest of me =/

Its not just the fact that i look crap, its just that everybody seems to be haveing more fun than me and just better than me, especialy since results are coming out (iv failed), and just blehhhh i hate this place lol

ok im done moaning now....
Reply 7
yes you are the only one, too cheeer yourself up - sing out loud willie nelson - bring me sunshine

Hurrah! all my problems have been solved! :rolleyes:

What problems exactly have you got? From what i can gather from your post, you're upset about being skinny...I know people who have got an *awful* lot more to deal with, but you'd never know, because they always try their best to be cheerful and not to let the sh*t they have to deal with get them down...

you could be a helluva lot worse off i'm sure...
Reply 9
What problems exactly have you got? From what i can gather from your post, you're upset about being skinny...I know people who have got an *awful* lot more to deal with, but you'd never know, because they always try their best to be cheerful and not to let the sh*t they have to deal with get them down...

you could be a helluva lot worse off i'm sure...

heh guess your right
Reply 10
i'm sure he did! i bet he found it almost as helpful as your post right here :smile:

I'm not going to waste my time arguing with someone who clearly lacks a certain amount of empathy and sensitivity, especially on a thread where someone was asking for some reassurance. I just found, from personal experience, your response to be exactly the sort of thing I hated to hear when I was depressed and the sort of thing that made me feel much worse.

BhArJ, no, you're not the only one who feels like this, and I can tell you now that you are not a freak. Reacting to summer in a different way to everyone else makes you individual, not a freak. I too find summer depressing in some ways. The heat makes me itchy and irritable and I much prefer being cold to being hot. Much more comfy and cosy to warm up when it's cold than try to cool down when it's hot. :smile:
I also know what's it's like to be unable to wear more appropriate clothing, my problem being that I am kinda overweight rather than really thin. Still, there's nothing wrong with being slim, so if you are able to muster enough self-confidence to feel ok whatever you wear then no-one will blink an eyelid if you wear summer clothing like 'everyone else'. Just wear what you are comfortable in.
I've also learnt from experience in the last year that the people who are truly your friends are so because they want to be. She does not deserve better because if you weren't 'good enough' she wouldn't spend her time with you. Realise that you are worth far more than you think, and even if you don't believe it the fact that your friend has stuck around should reaffirm it. Trust her judgement even if you don't yet trust your own. Hopefully some day you'll believe that yourself anyway. In the meantime, I find that when I feel down the only way to feel better is to talk to people: friends, family, anyone I trust. Only then do I feel any better. So that would be my advice to you - talk to as many people as possible. Try not to dwell on the thought that others are having more fun than you 'coz at the end of the day you have no idea what else goes on in their lives and thinking like that will never make you feel better.
Use the summer as an opportunity to invest in yourself. Indulge in your interests, and try to spend time focussing on the good elements of your life and personality rather than the inadequacies you feel you (but probably don't) possess. Hope that helps. :smile: Just try and build up your self-confidence basically, then you won't feel so bad.
Apologies for the long post; got carried away. :redface:
Reply 11
Everytime summer hits and its hot i always feel down. Everybodys just going round, happy, lovey dovey, flirting haveing fun etc etc and it just generaly gets me down and feel crap.

And the fact everybody is wearing next to nothing and that im always coverd up (me being a twig and all), everybody seems to have these amazing bodys (both guys and girls) and me standing no chance ever being like that. Even when i talk to my best friend i feel like she deserves better and should go out and find somebody else.

Am i the only one who feels like this? =/

And yes i know im a freak lol

im going to have a rant now. yes - its too hot.

the rest im afraid is down to you. the people you mentioned who go out etc do that most likely because they enjoy doing it and make the effort to to plan what they are doing and then carrying it out. if you want to do something then make the effort and do it. sitting feeling sorry for yourself gets nobody anywhere. what do you enjoy doing?

the same applies to a lesser extent to the bodies thing you were talking about. people dont usually magically form "amazing" bodies usually it requires effort to maintain it etc. i know from personal experience - being like you as you put it, a "twig". i am simply too lazy to do anything with myself but it doesnt bother me. if you want a decent body then go do something about it. join a gym or something.

of course being 18 i am no expert, but i have found that in life you get what you work for. things dont usually just come to you while youre sitting on your ass complaining.
Reply 12
try spending your whole summer in a tractor. that is not fun. goodbye to sanity as well.

its better being thin than having a nice beer belly like me. my t shirt tan is awesome.
Reply 13
Right so how do i gain weight and musle when i have no fat on me and my body hates eating? :confused:
Eat properly and work out.
Reply 15
Right so how do i gain weight and musle when i have no fat on me and my body hates eating? :confused:

im no expert but it doesnt take much thinking to figure this one out.

id imagine it goes something like this. you work out somewhere. you use energy which requires food. eat the right types of food. do this for a sustained period. you gain weight and muscle.
Reply 16
you can actually buy weight-gain powder stuff from boots, if that's any use.

other than that, no you're not the only person who feels that way about summer! some people like to be frazzled, some people prefer it when it's cold - there is nothing freakish about it at all. there are plenty of people out there who don't have the guts to walk around half-nekked just because it's sunny, so don't stress about it. i'm average-sized but i still hate poncing around in teeny-weeny clothes and i think that bikinis are actually quite evil. you're really not alone with the confidence issues!

i know it's easy to feel down when everyone else seems to be having a better time than you; but just stop comparing yourself to them. everyone's different and that is a GOOD thing. your friends value you for who you are, and i bet they aren't trying to make you change! just relax and enjoy the fact that the summer solstice has gone by, so we are now on the road to winter, scarves, coats and jumpers!
Reply 17
Everytime summer hits and its hot i always feel down. Everybodys just going round, happy, lovey dovey, flirting haveing fun etc etc and it just generaly gets me down and feel crap.

And the fact everybody is wearing next to nothing and that im always coverd up (me being a twig and all), everybody seems to have these amazing bodys (both guys and girls) and me standing no chance ever being like that. Even when i talk to my best friend i feel like she deserves better and should go out and find somebody else.

Am i the only one who feels like this? =/

And yes i know im a freak lol

Its not just the fact that i look crap, its just that everybody seems to be haveing more fun than me and just better than me, especialy since results are coming out (iv failed), and just blehhhh i hate this place lol

I know what you mean, except that I have the opposite problem - I'm kinda chubby (trying to avoid the word 'fat' and upsetting myself). I guess you'll just have to wear something that you are comfortable in and that you feel is flattering on your figure. IMO there is no such thing as the 'perfect' figure and that everyone is beautiful in thier own way. I see you are trying to gain weight, and I stand by your decision. But I think first you need to accept yourself as your are. Accept that you have flaws, and that you have a different figure than your friends. But that doesn't mean you are inferior to your friends, it just shows that you are individual and that you are different person to them. Having a fuller figure in itself doesn't solve all your problems. But working out and stuff would hopefully help relax you and improve your health (not implying that you're not healthy already!).

Arghh I failed my mid-term exams too while most of my year passed :frown: I guess what you need to do is pick yourself up and find out what you did or didn't do that failed you. In short, don't give up and don't lose trust in yourself!

that is ok, i feel too thin for my age. Thats why i'd rather wear something long. Maked me down really, i wish i was taller and had a bit more flesh

I wish I was taller with a little less flesh!

I get down a bit in the summer, for me it's because I have been working all year and am physicaly/emotionaly etc tired. So I feel as if I have no energy alot of summer and just sit at home and be lazy which i feel is a waste but I don't have the motivation to go out run about etc.
Reply 19
well if you want to gain weight, you need to take a lot of proteins with milk and work out at gym.thats the best way to gain weight, avoiding gaining weight, but instead gaining heavy