The Student Room Group
Reply 1
take the rest of the packet as normal and you'll finish it a day earlier than usual. Only take a 7 day break though, and start again on the new, earlier day.
what the mod said! dont worry you cant overdose on just one extra either! And if in doubt, always consult your "how to take" instructions inside the pack
can i just ask....sorry no nothing about the pill and have read the stickies but am still confused....does your dr have to give it to you or can the nurse?
the nurse practitioner can, but it needs a docs signature
Reply 5
You overdosed. Check into rehab :smile:
Reply 6
You overdosed. Check into rehab :smile:

or you might start growing a third boob
damn it it's impossible for me to get to see my dr without a parent taking me (i am 18 but still learning to drive) grrrrr
Reply 8
or you might start growing a third boob

Like the Busted video :biggrin:.

If women grow third breasts, will we men grow third hands? :confused:
Reply 9
can i just ask....sorry no nothing about the pill and have read the stickies but am still confused....does your dr have to give it to you or can the nurse?

I got it from my local family planning clinic, they give it to under 16's and everything, complete confidentiality from parents if you want. Oh, and of course, it's free.
i am 18.....but my period pains get worse every month so i was thinking that might work but my dr doesnt believe anyone has anything wrong with them so doubt she'd give it to me anyway! but with the family planning do you have to go every does that work??
i am 18.....but my period pains get worse every month so i was thinking that might work but my dr doesnt believe anyone has anything wrong with them so doubt she'd give it to me anyway!

You could just tell your doctor you want to go on the pill, don't mention it's just for period pains :smile:
take it that doesnt go down well with them then? just i cant take paracetamol/asprin/ibuprofen etc so really need something!
Never tried it, but I figure if you just go in there and ask for it outright then they'll more than likely give it you unless you're contraindicated.

I guess if you went in and said you had really bad period pain they'd try you on mefenamic acid first ... but it belongs to the same class of drugs as aspirin and ibuprofen so if you couldn't take it maybe your doctor would be more that happy to put you on the pill for period pains the first time you went?
Reply 14
take it that doesnt go down well with them then? just i cant take paracetamol/asprin/ibuprofen etc so really need something!

If you want it for contraception, say that. If it is for period pain say that and they will give you what they think is best - maybe the pill, maybe mefanamic acid.

They have to act in your best interests...they won't not give it to you just to spite you!