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Reply 1
72 hours I think.
Reply 2
even if its ejaculated say onto someone else??????
even if its ejaculated say onto someone else??????

why have you become a spammer again?
Reply 4
I read somewhere it was just an hour?
Reply 5
why have you become a spammer again?

i dont know what a spammer is, please explain
I think it depends on where they are. If you left them lying around on a table or something, then they'd die quite quickly. However, a woman's vagina provides the right conditions to keep them alive for longer, I think. Not sure of exact times though.
Reply 7
i need help as i kind of ejacualted onto a girl near her axe wound as was wondering if there was any chance in her getting pregnant?!?!?

any help would be appreciated
Reply 8
i need help as i kind of ejacualted onto a girl near her axe wound as was wondering if there was any chance in her getting pregnant?!?!?

any help would be appreciated

Axe wound? Where is the axe wound? :confused: Is that a euphemism?
i dont know what a spammer is, please explain

oh its ok, i thought you were se77en. carry on :smile:
Reply 11
how does one do that kind of thing accidentally?

An axe wound shouldn't need any further explanation. think about it.
Reply 12

An axe wound shouldn't need any further explanation. think about it.

Spider just pm me the meaning. Woah never heard 'Axe wound'. Why not vagina/genitals? Or does that still get some immature people giggling.
Reply 13
Sperm is alive until it is dry, whether it is on someone elses body or not!
Reply 14
Sperm is alive until it is dry, whether it is on someone elses body or not!

eh? that's a scary thought. if one kept it watered for years, would it last forever?
Reply 15
no i don't think so. Sperm can live for upto 3 days inside a woman so whether it's wet or dry, it's going to die eventually!
Reply 16
Axe wound - what a horrible euphemism!
Reply 17
so she cant get pregnant then, ???
Reply 18
probably not. was it all just a terrible accident?
Reply 19
Yes I doubt very very very much that she's pregnant so don't worry. Are you in a long-term relationship with her?