Sometimes swingers parties are organised and attended by very middle-class, middle-aged, respectable professionals, who have left the kids at home with a babysitter. They'll meet up at some respectable couple's respectable house, all drop their car keys in a bowl and pick up someone else's. Who ever's keys you end up with is the person whose partner you end up with.
Or so I've heard...
Of course, there are the really dodgy, scummy, swingers clubs as well....
It all seems very alien to me. And also just a *teeny bit* dangerous. Ok, a lot dangerous. As ever, having sex with someone you don't know puts you at risk. They might cross certain boundaries that you're not happy with, try and force you into something, hurt you.....and then there's the whole STD issue associated with casual, promiscuous sex. Putting a respectable face on it doesn't make it safer, but I think sometimes it lulls people into a false sense of security.
I don't know. It's not my cup of tea at all.