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My mate's going to a swinger club in birmingham tonight. is that scummy?

what do they do there. just drink and shag.

check, check and check.
My mate's going to a swinger club in birmingham tonight. is that scummy?

what do they do there. just drink and shag.

check, check and check.

lol yup thats it in just one word :p: xoxo
Reply 4
My mate's going to a swinger club in birmingham tonight. is that scummy?

what do they do there. just drink and shag.

They have theme nights... like gangbang night. :rolleyes:

They have a lot in France because people are weird there. I heard something like 10% of French couples do swapping at least once in their relationship. It's quite a trend in Germany too. In France the clubs look like any other club and are even advertisted as sucj except there are rooms where you can bring one or two or more people with you. Most of the rooms can be seen from the outside.

You will also notice that basically the entrance prices vary a lot from virtually free if you're a single girl, to a reasonable price for a couple and a ridiculously expensive price for single males (plus I think you only get in if you're some rich executive manager of a modelling agency).

In the UK, as they're not very common, they just tend to be seedy and full of ugly people, so best be avoided... that's as far as I know anyway.
is swinging just when you go to a specific venue and have sex with a bunch of randomers? seem to remember a louis theroux document on this :wink: also thinks of advert where they swap their carkeys* hmmm* do you get choice in whom you have intercourse with or do they just allot you a partner? either way its slightly unusual
You will also notice that basically the entrance prices vary a lot from virtually free if you're a single girl, to a reasonable price for a couple and a ridiculously expensive price for single males (plus I think you only get in if you're some rich executive manager of a modelling agency).

In the UK, as they're not very common, they just tend to be seedy and full of ugly people, so best be avoided... that's as far as I know anyway.

You seem to know quite a bit. As far as you know eh? :wink:
basic idea of swinging is that you go (with a partner i think) and you both find someone else to have no strings sex with. Its all very ordered and civilized so i read, in cosmo i think, or maybe more. dont get the point really... im a sex in a relationship only person myself.
Reply 8
You seem to know quite a bit. As far as you know eh? :wink:

I've never been in one... At my French Uni, there was a group of girls next to me (shame I didn't know them better :p:) in the cafeteria who were having a conversation about going to a swinger's club... It really is very common in France but I've never been so I don't know anything. I've only been past some, seen the people who go in... and been told by friends what it's like.

Swinger's clubs are also the place where managers of modelling agencies (such as Elite, remember that story? :rolleyes: ) take aspiring models to decide who deserves a contract...
I've never been in one... At my French Uni, there was a group of girls next to me (shame I didn't know them better :p:) in the cafeteria who were having a conversation about going to a swinger's club... It really is very common in France but I've never been so I don't know anything. I've only been past some, seen the people who go in... and been told by friends what it's like.

Swinger's clubs are also the place where managers of modelling agencies (such as Elite, remember that story? :rolleyes: ) take aspiring models to decide who deserves a contract...

Fair enough. I was asked to modelling once and I was at the train station. :biggrin:
Lirael Abhorsen
is swinging just when you go to a specific venue and have sex with a bunch of randomers? seem to remember a louis theroux document on this :wink: also thinks of advert where they swap their carkeys* hmmm* do you get choice in whom you have intercourse with or do they just allot you a partner? either way its slightly unusual

It all depends on where you go to do your swinging. There are actual swinger's clubs that are like clubs, people dance half-naked, drink, meet people...
or there are events organised by swinger associations, or you have actual resorts for swinging. The Cap D'Agde in the South of France is quite famous for that.
Lirael Abhorsen
is swinging just when you go to a specific venue and have sex with a bunch of randomers? you get choice in whom you have intercourse with or do they just allot you a partner? either way its slightly unusual

That's dogging, and you flash your headlights if you want to 'attract someone's attention' and open your car window if you don't mind people reaching in and touching... :rolleyes:
Reply 12

is that scummy?

Yep :p:
Sometimes swingers parties are organised and attended by very middle-class, middle-aged, respectable professionals, who have left the kids at home with a babysitter. They'll meet up at some respectable couple's respectable house, all drop their car keys in a bowl and pick up someone else's. Who ever's keys you end up with is the person whose partner you end up with.

Or so I've heard...

Of course, there are the really dodgy, scummy, swingers clubs as well....

It all seems very alien to me. And also just a *teeny bit* dangerous. Ok, a lot dangerous. As ever, having sex with someone you don't know puts you at risk. They might cross certain boundaries that you're not happy with, try and force you into something, hurt you.....and then there's the whole STD issue associated with casual, promiscuous sex. Putting a respectable face on it doesn't make it safer, but I think sometimes it lulls people into a false sense of security.

I don't know. It's not my cup of tea at all.
Reply 14

Or so I've heard...

*cough*yep! Lol! :p:
*cough*yep! Lol! :p:

Dude, I couldn't swing even if I wanted to. Swapping parters requires you to have one in the first place. :frown: You can't just go up to the other girl and say, "M'kay I'm going to shag your bloke now, ta very much!" without offering her anything in return! What's she going to do, sit there and knit? :biggrin:
Reply 16
"M'kay I'm going to shag your bloke now, ta very much!" without offering her anything in return! What's she going to do, sit there and knit? :biggrin:

Hmm, interseting! You would have to find her somthing to do wouldnt you!? Just make sure she like Knitting! Lol! :wink:
Reply 17
A thread about swinging? Whatever next.. :rolleyes:
Hmm, interseting! You would have to find her somthing to do wouldnt you!? Just make sure she like Knitting! Lol! :wink:

Well, I suppose you could always get her to join in.....but I don't think it would be swinging then. Just regular, run of the mill group sex.

This is so going to be moderated.... :redface:
Reply 19
Well, I suppose you could always get her to join in.....but I don't think it would be swinging then. Just regular, run of the mill group sex.

This is so going to be moderated.... :redface:

Quite likely :rolleyes: