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Ive had enough of my age!

Ok im 19 well 20 in a few months and everyone who doesnt know me thinks im 13/14 :mad: I hate going into shops buying alchohol cause when I show the shopkeeper my ID their like 'OMG you look no where near 19' and everyone around kinda stares at me obviously thinking the same thing. My cousin told his mates my age and at his birthday do one of them said 'is it true your 19' I said yeh and he gave me a weird stare then looked away lol.
A few weeks ago (last story promise :biggrin: ) I was walking to the shop with my mum and she started talking to someone she knew and the women looked at me and said 'has she had a good day at school' :eek: She didnt even speak directly to me lol.
Anyone know how I can look older? I wear the same clothes as other 19 year olds :confused:
I just wondered if any of you girls have this problem?

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Reply 1
I have no idea how old I look. I don't buy alcohol, so dunno.
Reply 2
I have this problem a bit, but i jsut grew sideburns and dont shave much. not an option for you :smile: sorry.
I have this problem a bit, but i jsut grew sideburns and dont shave much. not an option for you :smile: sorry.

Depends if she's welsh or not surely?
Reply 4
I have this problem a bit, but i jsut grew sideburns and dont shave much. not an option for you :smile: sorry.

lol I might not look female but at least I'd look older!
Reply 5
Why do you look young? Are you short/thin/erm, "not gifted in the chest area"/young face?? Can't really make suggestions as to how to make you look your age if we don't know what it is that's making you look young.

I'm 20 and sometimes people think I'm younger, but that's because I'm 5'8 which is kinda short for a guy. But I think it's a lot to do with how you act rather than how you look (unless you do just naturally look very young) - I used to be really nervous going into bars/clubs because I know I look young and so I'd be ID'd by bouncers simply because they can see that I'm nervous, but now I just act casually and I don't care because I know I'm 20 and I've got ID, but I hardly ever get asked for it anymore!

Can't really give you tips on how to look like you're older by acting differently though, apart from trying to look more confident and not slouching or anything :smile:
Reply 6
i have that problem. i'm 18 and i still sometimes get ID'd to check that i'm over 16. and last year someone told me that he had thought i was about 12 (it was a guy i worked with who later started hitting on me. which was worrying). whether or not you can do stuff depends on how you look. some girls can look older just by wearing make-up but other people just have young-looking faces (round face, large eyes etc. plus if you're short people assume things). look on the bright side, you can probably still get child bus-fares and when you are older, people will still be saying you look young - and, by then, it'll be a good thing!
If you have ID to show you're over 18, then no one can refuse you anything to which you are legally entitled. I understand that it might be pretty frustrating at times to look so young, but think about it this way. If you look young, I'm guessing that means you're small and delicate, with fresh young skin, to say the least. :smile:

Many women would kill....even die for that! Just put it down to jealousy.
Reply 8
i have that problem. i'm 18 and i still sometimes get ID'd to check that i'm over 16. and last year someone told me that he had thought i was about 12 (it was a guy i worked with who later started hitting on me. which was worrying). whether or not you can do stuff depends on how you look. some girls can look older just by wearing make-up but other people just have young-looking faces (round face, large eyes etc. plus if you're short people assume things). look on the bright side, you can probably still get child bus-fares and when you are older, people will still be saying you look young - and, by then, it'll be a good thing!

Exactly - it may be annoying now, but over the course of your life you'll get more advantages from looking young than looking your age. For example when you're 40 and feeling a bit lonely (if you're not married by then lol) you can go out clubbing and pull a frisky 20 year old :biggrin:
Reply 9

Many women would kill....even die for that! Just put it down to jealousy.

What would be the point in dying for younger looks? :confused:

What would be the point in dying for younger looks? :confused:


Touche :p:
my sister's fiance -at the time 21- was ID'd for cigarettes so don't feel alone! i sometimes think i won't get in for 15 films and people often think i'm about 2 yrs younger than i am
Reply 12
heh dont worry, happens to alot of people i know.

Im 18 and i got asked for ID when i was buying a lottery ticket......while my 15 year old friend was standing next to me buying booze 0_o
Reply 13
Touche :p:

Though to answer my own question, I guess people would see you when you're dead and go "Wow....she's gorgeous"...though that could lead to wrong going-ons :frown:

And also - my sister is 25. Last year she got ID'd for buying a pair of kitchen scissors from Asda LOL :biggrin:
Reply 14
I was IDed for cigarettes when I was 19, I was NOT amused by the fact that they thought I looked 15 or under. I solved that problem by quitting smoking :p:
Hahaha......that's CLASSIC. But on the other hand, think of your wedding pictures. A girl I work with, Rachel, is 25. She's been with her boyfriend Steve for ages and they're crazy about each other. Except she never wants to have kids, and he won't marry her until she agrees to it. This is only worrying her because she already has crow's feet and she doesn't want to look like a wrinkled old hag in her wedding photos.

Those blessed with your looks need not worry. Even if you get married at 40, you will look like a pure, blushing virgin in the bloom of youth. :biggrin:
Reply 16
If you have ID to show you're over 18, then no one can refuse you anything to which you are legally entitled. I understand that it might be pretty frustrating at times to look so young, but think about it this way. If you look young, I'm guessing that means you're small and delicate, with fresh young skin, to say the least. :smile:

Many women would kill....even die for that! Just put it down to jealousy.

I dont have fresh looking skin! :p: Many people say oh you'l be glad of it when your older though I dont think it'l work that way, also mature lads my age dont even look at me im guessing (hoping) mainly cause I look like a kid thats probably the worst problem
Reply 17
Why do you look young? Are you short/thin/erm, "not gifted in the chest area"/young face?? Can't really make suggestions as to how to make you look your age if we don't know what it is that's making you look young.

All the features youve described for looking young are true so im knackered lol
Reply 18
Susie - tell her to have kids....girls who go on and on about how they never want to have kids will probably end up having kids at some point. It's something in your life that you should do because of the fact that it would be an amazing time - yes you go through all the pain but a lifetime with a kid and the happiness after birth - sorry, but it doesn't compare! I'd go through the pain for that! (But unfortunately I'm a guy so I'll just have to do the fun bit :biggrin:)

Alio - Go get yourself a 14 year old boy :wink: seriously, you didn't answer why you're young looking! Unless it's a height thing I bet there's something that you can do about it - you may just be due a growth spurt or something, just very late puberty! I think girls stop growing around 21yrs? Don't quote me on that though! :smile:
you don't look really young in your pic on the picture thread though, might just be your attitude really. Like you think you look too young so you dont act with much confidence which just makes you seem even younger.