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Reply 1
I think I might have broken my brace- I eat Pizza whole- the day afterwards its painful when I swallow and i cant open my mouth that wide without some sort of pain?

What should I do?
you really do need to see your dentist. i had a brace with a bridge and it kept cutting my tongue. ts possible that your brace is not the right size and so you will not get the full benefits
Reply 3
Get in touch with your dentist asap, see if they can fit you in. If you are in any pain with braces (ie not the usual 'teeth moving' pain you would expect) then you need to go back and see them. Have you looked at the brace, can you see any obvious changes, eg have you lost a bracket or has the wire come loose?
Reply 4
My bro is always damaging his brace and he just makes an appointment with the orthadontist who fixes it
Reply 5
It wierd pain, i have lost a bit of a wire at the bottom but the pain is top left. I think its were the bridge is connected to the tooth, its so painful. I cant talk without hurting.
Reply 6
Call your orthodentist, they may fit you in this afternoon if you are in serious pain.
Reply 7
I've called them twice with no answer, also im not sure if it just my tonsils as i have seen to cut it but it seems to be quite painful towards my left side of my face.
Reply 8
If you are in a lot of pain and its an emergency, I think you could go to a dental walk in centre, you dont need to be registered there (if you cant contact your usual dentist). Just keep trying and see if you get through.
Reply 9
Thanks 4 advice..still trying to get through they all mostm probley out having lunch anyway i still and get in contact.
Reply 10
I cant open my Mouth propley-i can breath and eat but it wont open fully-does anyone know why this could be or anyone had the same problem?
Reply 11
Reply 12
see a doctor?
what do u mean you cant open propery
does it hurt when u try and open it fully?
Reply 14
I can breath and all that-so they should not be problem-If i try to open my mouth it hurts-bad.
Reply 15
Doesn't sound good, see a doctor first thing tomorrow...
Reply 16
put your fingers in line, vertically, and see how many you can get in. you should be able to get three in. if not....

...well, get back to me if you can't and i'll go from there. if you can, it may just some joint pain, in which case glucosamine/flax seed oil may help.
Reply 17
really is it that bad?
I can breath and all that-so they should not be problem-If i try to open my mouth it hurts-bad.

thats cos u can breath through ur nose as well,
try and see a doc asap... tonight if possible. seriously doesnt sound good.
Reply 19
You'll be waiting for 3 years on the NHS. Just give yourself a 'Glasgow smile' with a stanley knife or a pair of bacon scissors.