The Student Room Group

friend in need of some support

heya hope u all enjoying the sunshine, i never realised how quickly i actually tan until now!!!
anywayz, i have a friend who was struck by lightning last summer during the storm at Hyde Park. She was unconscious for 7 minutes and was rushed to hospital. luckily she's recovering well, although her memory is slightly impaired and she can't really walk. she spends the weekdays at hospital and weekend at home.
i haven't seen her for a year and i'm feeling really guilty about it. but what really pisses me off is that whenever i arrange to go see her with my friend, who is meant to be her 'best friend', she always says that she's busy with family stuff.
if one of my close friends was in hospital, i'd go see him/her as much as i could. she seems to socialise so much more with her own family than bother to do anything with friends.
should i just go by myself and not bother trying to organise anything anymore? she must feel so unloved coz she hasn't had any of her friends visit her for a year.
There may be a reason why her 'best friend' is avoiding it, not just purely because she can't be bothered. If you still can't manage to arrange anything then go on your own, or maybe get some other friends together to go and see her?
go by yourself
it appears to be that your scared to go by yourself just think what your friend has been through!
Reply 3
It sounds to me as though she's most likely worried about seeing her friend in the condition she is in. My granny had severe alzehimers for 5 years. I went to see her with mum every other day but my brother was too nervous and only went occasionally. We knew that if she was in her right mind, she would understand. x x x
Reply 4
she's seen her before so i don't think that's the case. recently i've been bored out of my mind for 3 weeks since i finished GCSEs and coz i'm not going on holiday, i'm basically not a busy person. i just hate people relying on me to organise everything coz i like to be spontaneous and just call up and go out the next day not the next week. i should just go myself.
Reply 5
Yes but just beacuse she has seen her before doesn't mean she's ok with it. Before he was honest with mum and told her he didn't like coming, my brother used to come with us a lot. He was also worried about seeing my dad in hospital after he had had 5 heart by-passes.
Reply 6
call her though, and tell her youre going.. you dont want to disturb her or anything maybe she's in medication or what
Reply 7
I'd say go by yourself first, and then take your friend.
If no one will go with you, then go by yourself, i'm sure your friend would be really pleased to see you.