The Student Room Group
Reply 1
its true! im late like most mornings coz i just sleep through my alarm. id ask my parents to wake me up but one goes to work at 4.00am (postman) and the other at 6.00 am (too early) Any1 else av da same prob?

Sleep earlier!!!!!
Reply 2
its true! im late like most mornings coz i just sleep through my alarm. id ask my parents to wake me up but one goes to work at 4.00am (postman) and the other at 6.00 am (too early) Any1 else av da same prob?

It is simple really. You're one of those people who will only ever wake up to a particular alarm clock for about 6 months before you get used to it and sleep through it. Some would call this a great skill of adaptation, yet its bloody annoying. So just buy shares in an alarm clock business, and you're all set :smile:
its true! im late like most mornings coz i just sleep through my alarm. id ask my parents to wake me up but one goes to work at 4.00am (postman) and the other at 6.00 am (too early) Any1 else av da same prob?

Same. I have my alarm clock on the other side of my room but I seem to subconsciously turn it off and go back to sleep. As a result I've slept in and missed several tutorials, work a couple of times, and about half the lectures. Lucky to have not missed exams / interviews etc!
Buy a Nokia and use the alarm on that. It gets louder and louder until it's unbearably loud. I sleep through the average alarm, but my Nokia phone always wakes me up.
Reply 5
Get a LOUD alarm clock that varies its tone then break the snooze and off buttons leaving it permenatly on, keep the battery in with superglue and superglue the clock to something solid. Thus forcing you to leave the room in the morning.
Reply 6
Get a LOUD alarm clock that varies its tone then break the snooze and off buttons leaving it permenatly on, keep the battery in with superglue and superglue the clock to something solid. Thus forcing you to leave the room in the morning.

ok. that one I do like. Well done lol
Reply 7
Do what i do.
I have a : 1 - Bt wake up call
2 - Gadget shop alarm clock (which plays Lisa Scott Lee)
3 - Large alarm clock (Mega Alarm)
4 - Simpson alarm clock

I use all 4 to get me out of bed.
Got issues with gettin up early.
Reply 8
yeah thanx for your ideas lol. they might work i'll av ta c :rolleyes:
Reply 9
Get a LOUD alarm clock that varies its tone then break the snooze and off buttons leaving it permenatly on, keep the battery in with superglue and superglue the clock to something solid. Thus forcing you to leave the room in the morning.

.......And lie down on the couch and fall back to sleep like I do. :tongue:
Reply 10
If you have big probs go to the doctor. Sometimes you can have sleep disorders where you dont go into a deep enough phase of sleep straight away asa consequence you get more tired and then this leads you to sleep more heavily when you actually get to sleep which makes you have trouble getting up. Sometimes a doctor will prescribe mild sleeping pills which will gradually get your body back into a regular pattern.

If its not that try going to bed earlier.
its true! im late like most mornings coz i just sleep through my alarm. id ask my parents to wake me up but one goes to work at 4.00am (postman) and the other at 6.00 am (too early) Any1 else av da same prob?

Well, I used to always have the alarm go off at 7:30am but subconsciously switch it off! What I always do now is when the alarm goes off at 7:30am, I quickly switch on the TV and not have it too loud to wake everyone else up and leave it on a news channel or something. I find it makes it much more easier waking up 15 minutes later.

Yea, you could also get one of your parents (whoever wakes up earliest) to open your bedroom curtains wide because the light entering the room makes you feel more ready to get up.
rent a butler/maid/or some other kind of servant to wake you up
Get a loud clock radio and block the off and snooze buttons using a combination padlock. The changing sounds should help in not adapting to it and the padlock should mean you can't switch it off while still asleep.

Either that or leave a bomb on timer :tongue:
Reply 14
its true! im late like most mornings coz i just sleep through my alarm. id ask my parents to wake me up but one goes to work at 4.00am (postman) and the other at 6.00 am (too early) Any1 else av da same prob?

Try moving the alarm clock to a different position, even if its a few feet to the right or left. Each time you turn it off and go back to sleep, you subconsciously think that the alarm clock is in the same place all the ttime, by moving it from its typical place, you may break the pattern.
its true! im late like most mornings coz i just sleep through my alarm. id ask my parents to wake me up but one goes to work at 4.00am (postman) and the other at 6.00 am (too early) Any1 else av da same prob?

put it on loud, out a ova alrm on ie a phone alrm. move it to the ova side of the room so when u hear it u hv to get ut of bed to turn it off then u cnt b bothered to gt bk in and go sleep. sorted