The Student Room Group

Twisted ankles

Okay, first of all, ouch.

Second of all, how long do they take to go down/get better?
Was determined not to let mine make a difference to me - played badminton and swam on it within an hour of getting it - but then I realised that my ankle was now the size of my fist and walking was becoming a real chore.
Meant to be going up to London tomo to go clubbing. Something tells me it's not going to happen.

What might help it?
an ice pack and some anti inflamitories (sp)
Depends how bad it is. Sometimes they can hurt for ages. Mine usually twinge for a few days but don't actually stop me from walking. Best thing you can do is walk on it. Then sit down for a few minutes with an ice pack or a bag of frozen peas. Then get up and walk on it some more, etc.
Reply 3
Eeww, never twisted an ankle so bad that it's swollen up!

Sorry...that doesn't really help does it? Hope it gets better for London though :smile:
an ice pack and some anti inflamitories (sp)

I'm sure anti-inflammatories are designed to relieve a somewhat different form of inflammation...
Reply 5
I'm sure anti-inflammatories are designed to relieve a somewhat different form of inflammation...

I'm confused... unless this is a *ahem* woman's thing. In which case i'll shut up :biggrin:
No, it's not a women's thing.....but I think it is an internal thing, rather than for twisted ankles!
Reply 7
I take dance lessons and used to take gymnastics.. *glares at crutches in her closet* Remember R.I.C.E -- (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation). Stay off it for 24 hours, more if it's necessary.

Hope you feel better. :hugs:
Reply 8
Okay, first of all, ouch.

Second of all, how long do they take to go down/get better?
Was determined not to let mine make a difference to me - played badminton and swam on it within an hour of getting it - but then I realised that my ankle was now the size of my fist and walking was becoming a real chore.
Meant to be going up to London tomo to go clubbing. Something tells me it's not going to happen.

What might help it?

I twisted my ankle in Lent term playing squash: I was able to walk comfortably after several days; took about a month for it to go away entirely.
Reply 9
If it's swollen up, there's a good chance you've torn a ligament, which is bad news. You should elevate your foot and stick a bag of frozen peas on it.

Hey, here's a crazy idea - how about asking a doctor?
Reply 10
It can be ok, or very bad, usually the former.

A few months back i ****ed my ankle, it turned out it was 'twisted' and a bone cracked, basically the twisted causes all ligaments to be pretty much ripped apart - if it ain't better in a couple of days go to A+E.
I went over on mine whilst playing football, an it went crack an i was like **** but then after some heat searin pain it went away so i got up n carried on that night i looked at it an it was the size of a tennis ball an the next mornin i couldnt put much weight on it but then the more i walked the easier it got an it went down a little i got like a brace sock which helped only i went over on it again it took about 2weeks for it to go down for moi an it still twinges if i twist sum ways dunno i prob hav dun sumit bad to it but usually there ok if you give them adequate support an give it some rest,
Reply 12
I'm sure anti-inflammatories are designed to relieve a somewhat different form of inflammation...

Not at all - ibuprofen and aspirin will work on any kind of inflammation - ibuprofen is particularly good for muscle/joint injuries.

Sorry to hear you've damaged yourself, jd27. All the advice on here is pretty sound - rest it, ice it and keep it elevated. Take ibuprofen every 4-6 hours (but not for a prolonged period of time). My sis has recently sprained her ankle quite badly, she was on crutches for a couple of weeks and since then has had to be very careful with her dancing and sports (she's not allowed to dance on pointe for another 2 months but I doubt that's of much concern to you! :wink:)

As for activity, do what feels comfortable. If it starts to hurt, take it easy.