The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Ew. Would rather shoot myself in the foot than date a guy with a moustache.
Reply 2
I don't like them.. they look (and probably feel) weird. LOL
Yuck. No moustache.
Reply 4
Girls what do you prefer a lad with a mustache or no mustache.

For guys, what do you have? : o

I would never grow a moustache unless i was the captain of a ship or a proper good russian porn star.

I have heard that girls like the moustache ride though... :wink:
Reply 5
To paraphrase someone from Red Dwarf (can't remember who), I'd rather cover my genitals in fishpaste and dangle them in a pool of hungry piranhas than grow a moustache. That'd be if I could grow one that didn't look like somebody had glued some of their bum fluff to my top lip.
Reply 6
Well depends i guess if it suits the guy.
Reply 7
oh comeon girls, how you can you resist the sexyness?
Reply 8
Well depends i guess if it suits the guy.
Im gona post my pic on the forum, think it suits me?

I see bluriness, or do i need my eyes tested?
Reply 9
Learn to twirl your mustachios.
Reply 10
Leave it out, your having a laugh!

I dont mean one of them fat ass one's Just a light one !
Reply 12
Mustache? Eurgh!

Stubble all over the rest of my face cos im too lazy to shave? Hell yes!
Reply 13
Leave it out, your having a laugh!

I dont mean one of them fat ass one's Just a light one !

That's just curled, not properly twirled.
Well depends i guess if it suits the guy.
Im gona post my pic on the forum, think it suits me?

That photo's so bad we can't even see whether you have one...... :rolleyes:
Not one person had pointed out to this no-brainer who thinks that we can see his photo, in two different threads mind you that its not friggin mustache its moustache. Christ Almighty.

It just bugs me when a spelling mistake is in a thread title, you are with me people aren't you?
Reply 17
Mate - dont even start, first of all just look at your own pic, speaks for it self.
Your proberlly a chav : o
Not one person had pointed out to this no-brainer who thinks that we can see his photo, in two different threads mind you that its not friggin mustache its moustache. Christ Almighty.

It just bugs me when a spelling mistake is in a thread title, you are with me people aren't you?

I spelt it properly but no one noticed.
Reply 19
i was lead astray. it was the big girls' fault honest :frown: