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yeah, just google medical tests.

Reply 2
Just dress up as a guines pig and say you'll sue the place if they don't pay you.
Reply 3
yeah? wonder if i could pay for my uni fees this way.
Reply 4
Cheers mate, I didn't know if there was an official term for it, otherwise I'd have googled it straight off.
Reply 5
yeah? wonder if i could pay for my uni fees this way.

Doubt you'd get that much for it to be honest. You can get the odd £50 or so having scans done etc, but for a lot of things they require quite specific demographics (red-haired male twins between 37 and 52 etc :rolleyes: ) or for you to already have a condition.
If you're male, can't you just go and donate sperm?
Reply 7
If you're male, can't you just go and donate sperm?

donating sperm is probably something that shouldn't be entered into lightly, just for the cash. it'll be weird to think that somewhere you have a kid running around that you don't know of, maybe more than one. kinda freaky to me
Reply 8
Doubt you'd get that much for it to be honest.

can't remember specifics - but i've heard of some where people have been paid oodles.. ~£5k or so.
although what it required being done made me squirm.. :eek:
& you're probably right in terms of already needing a condition, or very specific features.

re. sperm donation - as well as the moral issues - i don't think you get that much money. & there's a limit on the number of times you cn donate, as i remember..
Reply 9
Sofa King
donating sperm is probably something that shouldn't be entered into lightly, just for the cash. it'll be weird to think that somewhere you have a kid running around that you don't know of, maybe more than one. kinda freaky to me

And you can only give it a certain amount of times, because the more times you give, the more kids you have, and the more likely it is two will meet up and fall in love and have icky kids.
Reply 10
Aaagh. Thats a really serious point that I've never though about before.
Is this true? Like taking part in trials for drugs or whatever? Or just plain experimenting?

I get money for testing things such as toothpaste and shampoo etc..Not the same as drug trials but much easier to do because you don't need to have some sort of medical condition!!
Reply 12

although what it required being done made me squirm.. :eek:

Ooo do tell :biggrin:
Reply 13
Google a company called 'Covance' - they are based in Leeds, and will often pay you in excess of £1000 for a few nights staying at their hospital in Leeds - there are often lots of 18+ male smokers needed. From the information I have, it doesn't sound like anything gruesome goes on hehe - just trialling new medication - although there are obvious risks to this.

Anyway - Covance is worth a look.
Reply 14
I get money for testing things such as toothpaste and shampoo etc..Not the same as drug trials but much easier to do because you don't need to have some sort of medical condition!!

Reply 15
I've taken part in Psychology experiments for cash, at university.
how to you get to try the shampoo/toothpaste etc???
Reply 17
I've taken part in Psychology experiments for cash, at university.

i'd love to take part in that experiment.. i will try my best to get the opposite results that they want.. and prolly might think of me as crazy or what
Reply 18
Yeah you can. But why is this in "Health and Relationships"?! Wasn't there a big hoo-hah about medical testing a few decades ago because they tested LSD on loads of Navy Sailors, and they all went crazy?! But, yeah anyway.
Actually there was an advert on local radio asking for 'fit males between the ages of 18 and 50 willing to take part in non-invasive medical research' offering between £50 and £100 a session, wasnt just a one off either, the ad ran about once every 1/2 hour for about a month, so in answer to your question it does happen, but for the exact details of where and when try local radio/add's. easy money if you dont mind a third arm!