The Student Room Group

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Reply 20
should this be moved to the subs fora - not really suitable for kids IMHO

omg! :rofl: kenny crushed to death (by their boobs!!) every mans dream.... :rolleyes: or should that be death by too much sex?
should this be moved to the subs fora - not really suitable for kids IMHO

nooooooooooooo!! :bawling:
Reply 23
im only thinking of the children

bad choice of words considering thread subject.

OK, im trying to protect the young ones from seeing this.
Reply 24
if you prefer chickens to do your bidding
Oh wont someone please think of the children?!!.

revrend lovejoy's wife! :rofl: [simpsons]

yes, your probally right :frown: not for LPK or Yo-Less or any other minors really....
Reply 26
revrend lovejoy's wife! :rofl: [simpsons]

yes, your probally right :frown: not for LPK or Yo-Less or any other minors really....

Very good very good :haha:

Well, when blissy comes in to post her next command, hopefully she will se my request, im not going into AskAMod for this!
thats so cool:p: woooo!
Well, when blissy comes in to post her next command, hopefully she will se my request, im not going into AskAMod for this!

hmmm, thats a point, what is blissy up to?! :eek:
Reply 29
Dont know :eek:
What sort of sordid things is she doing????
Reply 30
'do a'

reminds me of the subserviant chicken
Reply 32
Meh, it's past the watershed. We could do with some spice.
Reply 33
simpsons - random
Reply 34
friends - cat fight
"lick" :p: mmmmmm! Same as kiss tho
Reply 36
Meh, it's past the watershed. We could do with some spice.

So will this be gone by morning?
OMG cat fight is hilarious
"show your"