The Student Room Group
How can protein be converted to fat?
I thought that you just **** out protien that you don't use.

Reply 3
Most fat is just stored energy isn' it? So if you drank 10 litres of Lucozade, and the only excersize you got was changing the TV channel. you'd get very fat
Reply 4
protein can --> stored fat yea, but much less readily than carbs or dietry fat. Although the energy from the metabolism of the protein itself will also contribute to your total energy intake and ****, making it more likely that fat will be stored


If youre getting fat on what youre eating, id suggest that protein isnt the place to look to cut calories from. A higher proportion of protein in your diet apparently tends to promote a leeter body composition (like, ignoring exercise - if u can even seperate the effects at all)

If youre eating like 400g of protein a day then dont, fag, but im sure youre nor so dont worry
Reply 5
I thought that most of the time your body stores proteins as Albumin which circulates throughout your body and behaves differently to fat. And if you get too much protein in your blood, youre body (as music bloke said) out protien that you don't use. BTW if you carry on having too much protein in youre body, it will have a ehem, lets just say, a negative effect on your kidneys which will show up when youre older. :s: dont see what wrong with just eating a normal healthy diet. Whenever i see those people who've had the adkins diet, they kinda look like stick insects and their chest is virtually flat :s: but that might be different for some people.
Reply 6
actually yeah - sorry, rock tenth is right. Protein can actually get stored as fat but the albumin part and the rest of what i said is true!
Reply 7
Every day I drink about 3 glasses protein enriched milkshakes, which I make myself with mixer, milk and 2-3 spoons of whey protein. However I ve read on the net, that when you have too much protein which is left even after exercising, it is then converted to fat. Does it mean that it can also make u fat?

Excess protein just gets ****ed out of you. Thats why excess protein can mess up your kidney over a long time. TBH i dont think that you will be having too much tho. To maintain muscle mass, you should eat at least 0.8g/kg of bodyweight. If you exercise, espescially with heavy weight then this requirement will increase. For optimum muscle growth, it it not uncommon for people to thake 2g protein/ lb of bodyweight. Imagine that for a 200lb guy!
Reply 8
so juz go a BIT low on ur protein shakes... agree with lil_j