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Reply 1
This is a pretty basic explanation- hope it helps!
Reply 2
What causes this? I've had this for a day now and its starting to drive me mad. Is it somthing to with trapped air?

Trapped gas isnt it? A day!? wooo i hate them.
Reply 3
So I need to book myself into Kwik Fit to get a new exchuast then? Its not been a day none stop, its been a coming and going within a day.
Distort your breathing pattern to help get rid of it. Drinking water curing hic-cups is slightly inaccurate.
Reply 5
Isn't it a spasm of your diaphragm?
try and get some sleep - that always worked for me.

Reply 8
oops didn't see that, I rarely bother to look in chat. They have just come back again now, I m feeling a bit unwell though maybe I need some sleep. I had 5 pints last night and was wasted, normaly 5 pints would just make me slightly tipsy.
I always get them really loudly, whenever I drink fizzy drinks. When I was a kid I always used to get the loudest ones you've ever heard in the middle of assembly, when the headmaster was telling us off. Every time. I got into so much trouble. :frown:
Isn't it a spasm of your diaphragm?

try drinking water
Getting hiccups when getting drunk can be a real pain. I tried everything: drinking water, someone attempting to scare me, holding my breath but the hiccup would still get through.
Reply 13
Think you've got is bad?

LONGEST ATTACK OF HICCUPS: Charles Osborne of the USA - 1922 to 1990.
Reply 14
LONGEST ATTACK OF HICCUPS: Charles Osborne of the USA - 1922 to 1990.

I would just committ suicide - is that a real case though? I thought the longest case was four years, and that was long enough!

But, I find that there are two variations of hiccup; the first is the light, slightly amusing hiccup. And the second is the deeper, painful variety - usually the one which causes so called friends to laugh. It's not funny! It hurts.

I think it is your diaphragm playing up though isn't it?

Also, is it just me, or does anybody else find the term hiccough confusing? I mean, what exactly is a 'hiccough'. Is it just another word for a hiccup? *looks confused*.

Anyway, to rid myself of hiccups, I just sip water slowly - piss easy; a couple of small sips and they're gone. I don't find ridding them a particular problem. :smile:
Reply 15
I would just committ suicide - is that a real case though? I thought the longest case was four years, and that was long enough!

But, I find that there are two variations of hiccup; the first is the light, slightly amusing hiccup. And the second is the deeper, painful variety - usually the one which causes so called friends to laugh. It's not funny! It hurts.

I think it is your diaphragm playing up though isn't it?

Also, is it just me, or does anybody else find the term hiccough confusing? I mean, what exactly is a 'hiccough'. Is it just another word for a hiccup? *looks confused*.

Anyway, to rid myself of hiccups, I just sip water slowly - piss easy; a couple of small sips and they're gone. I don't find ridding them a particular problem. :smile:

He had them for 69 years according to the guinness book of records. I'd have commited suicide!
Reply 16
He had them for 69 years according to the guinness book of records. I'd have commited suicide!

:rofl: ditto! :dito:
Reply 17
I think what you can do to stop them is to concentrate on something else. In Japan, you're told to put a chopstick across a bowl of water and try to drink it without moving the chopstick. I think in the UK, it is said that you should drink water upside down.
Reply 18
try drinking milk upside down (tipping the glass towards ut head as u bend ur head over (if that makes sense) always works for me!
Reply 19
Reminds me of watching This Morning once when Richard and Judy presented it. Their guest was someone who couldn't stop hiccupping, and Richard's introduction went something like this: "Now, whenever you get the hiccups, don't you just hate the little niggling feeling in your mind that your hiccups might NEVER GO AWAY?".

No, Richard. The rest of the human race doesn't think like you.