The Student Room Group

The BNP has hijacked the Union Jack.

The Union jack has been hijacked by the BNP and now more strongly represents far right ideology, rather than national patriotism.

When is the last time you saw a union jack flag in somebodies front garden in the UK? You will see more Union Jacks on private property in the US than in the UK!

the BNP is now the only mainstream Party that uses our flag in campaigning. No longer will you see Labour, The Conservatives or Liberal Democracts sporting the union jack. Now its just the red rose, or the blue torch, and so on.

Heres a quote I found from an American discussion forum:
'UK cop': I don't think it matters really. At least you guys show pride in your nation. Over here if we so much as think about showing a British Union Jack we get labelled Racist
Blondie: UKCop; I think that unfortunately, the Union Jack has become too associated with the BNP and the NF. It's a shame.

What does the union jack really stand for now, in the 21st century?
Is it just that there is somewhat a lack of national patriotism in the air, or is it something far deeper, that maybe the BNP could be blamed for?
More importantly, would you display a union jack on your private property?

And don't waste your time telling me my post is biased, i am fully aware of that. :rolleyes:

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I agree, the BNP has certainly hijacked the Union Jack, in my eyes at least. I almost cringe when I see the flag being waved around these days. Maybe this is more of a reflection for my cynicism about nationalism, I'm not sure.
The BNP feels it can fly the flag which symbolises the union of the peoples of the British Isles, other parties don't. No hijacking by the BNP, just a flight from British identity by the other parties.

The other parties would give us a 'national' flag which symbolises that Britain and the British are a disunited nation made up of people from all over the world, with no common culture, heritage or traditions.
what about england flags though? down my way (kent) there are many more england flags than union jack flags, surely that is more nationalist as technically that is ignoring the other parts of our 'nation' :confused:
Reply 4
what about england flags though? down my way (kent) there are many more england flags than union jack flags, surely that is more nationalist as technically that is ignoring the other parts of our 'nation' :confused:

How'd you work that one out? :rolleyes:

I would still feel uncomfortable sporting a St Georges Cross, it is a great shame, but i'd feel as though i was indicating to others support for the far-right...
Reply 5
i see hundreds of union flags around here, often flying from walls on houses, on government buildings, even painted on murals.

dont scaremonger by trying to say the BNP has hijacked anything.

"More importantly, would you display a union jack on your private property?" of course. why shouldnt i if its what i want to do?
Why do people say far-right when they mean racist? Racism is as left wing as it is right wing.
i've confused myself beekeeper :biggrin: - i know what im trying to say, my english is letting me down :frown: but i totally agree, how can you say the BNP is nicking our flag - its just other parties dont appear to want to use it
Reply 8
i've confused myself beekeeper :biggrin: - i know what im trying to say, my english is letting me down :frown: but i totally agree, how can you say the BNP is nicking our flag - its just other parties dont appear to want to use it

hes one of the many people around here who seem to be in "scapegoat mode" blaming everything and anything on the BNP.

if we're wouldnt be much of a BRITISH nationalist party if it didnt use the british flag in its logos somewhere :biggrin:
Reply 9
I feel no discomfort from using either the Union Flag or the Cross of St. George. No muppet from the BNP is going to dissuade me from flying my national flag. And I've seen Conservative (and one or two Labour) politicos campaigning with both. St George's Day 2004 the Sheffield Conservatives had several stalls bedecked in both campaigning throughout the city (something to do with train lines I think).
hes one of the many people around here who seem to be in "scapegoat mode" blaming everything and anything on the BNP.

if we're wouldnt be much of a BRITISH nationalist party if it didnt use the british flag in its logos somewhere :biggrin:

eh? :confused: how am i scapegoating, im saying that they're not hijacking anything.
Reply 11
I dont see how the Union Jack has been hijacked by the BNP, rather a case of it being surrendered by the multi-cultural, PC left, for whom it represents the shame of British imperialism. Its slightly concerning when the BNP is blamed for the failings of those who are embarassed by their heritage and history.
Reply 12
i've confused myself beekeeper :biggrin: - i know what im trying to say, my english is letting me down :frown: but i totally agree, how can you say the BNP is nicking our flag - its just other parties dont appear to want to use it

Correct, but go back to the 1970s and the Conservatives were quite proudly sporting the union jack in campaigns. But no more.
"Broad church" Parties don't drop a flag for no reason. Mainstream Parties like Labour; Conservatives; Lib dems want to attract the widest base of support, and in reaching for this aim, they have chosen to drop the union jack, whilst at the same time, the BNP is waving the flag at every opportunity, printing it across leaflets and even incorporating it in their own logo for heavens sake.

I feel that the BNP has stole the Union Jack, and because they have, it is no longer a symbol of national pride, but represents fascism and BNP ideology.

Not once in my lifetime have i seen the Union Jack on private property, and North Yorkshire is generally a very patriotic region.
The only flag in my town can be found flying proudly above the church, and that is the St Georges Cross.
Reply 13
eh? :confused: how am i scapegoating, im saying that they're not hijacking anything.

its in reference to beekeeper...who you mentioned. hence "he" and not "you"
Reply 14
hes one of the many people around here who seem to be in "scapegoat mode" blaming everything and anything on the BNP.

You will find that very often i choose to defend the BNP. This is the only time i have blamed the BNP for anything.
its in reference to beekeeper...who you mentioned. hence "he" and not "you"

my apologies technik :blush:
Reply 16
Correct, but go back to the 1970s and the Conservatives were quite proudly sporting the union jack in campaigns. But no more.
"Broad church" Parties don't drop a flag for no reason. Mainstream Parties like Labour; Conservatives; Lib dems want to attract the widest base of support, and in reaching for this aim, they have chosen to drop the union jack, whilst at the same time, the BNP is waving the flag at every opportunity, printing it across leaflets and even incorporating it in their own logo for heavens sake.

I feel that the BNP has stole the Union Jack, and because they have, it is no longer a symbol of national pride, but represents fascism and BNP ideology.

Not once in my lifetime have i seen the Union Jack on private property, and North Yorkshire is generally a very patriotic region.
The only flag in my town can be found flying proudly above the church, and that is the St Georges Cross.

if you're so concerned..."steal" it back again and campaign for it to be flown more widely in your part of the world.

still...find it funny that you think the flag flying over buckingham palace represents nothing other than fascism and BNP ideology. its time you engaged your brain i think :biggrin:
Reply 17
if you're so concerned..."steal" it back again and campaign for it to be flown more widely in your part of the world.

still...find it funny that you think the flag flying over buckingham palace represents nothing other than fascism and BNP ideology. its time you engaged your brain i think :biggrin:

I suggest you calm down Technik, youre not usually so heavy handed with your insults. Saying that, I am not suprised by your logic, given that much of the time your own ideology is very much in sync with that of the BNP.

What flies above Buckingham palace does not concern me, If Buckingham palace started flying the "union black" I seriously doubt it would be representative of British attitudes.
Reply 18
I suggest you calm down Technik, youre not usually so heavy handed with your insults. Saying that, I am not suprised by your logic, given that much of the time your own ideology is very much in sync with that of the BNP.

What flies above Buckingham palace does not concern me, If Buckingham palace started flying the "union black" I seriously doubt it would be representative of British attitudes.

you musnt read many of my posts if you think im being heavy handed :biggrin:
and im very calm :smile:

my logic shouldnt be surprising, being that it is actually logical. unlike the ramblings you appear to be coming out with this evening.

you'll find many peoples ideology is in sync with the BNP to some extent. the level of syncronisation is the key. whether you agree with 1% of it or 100%. i probably agree with more of it than most, but im further to the right than most. you have a tory torch on your account...meaning you wont be a thousand miles away from the BNP. i'll be interested to see if you can honestly say you dont agree with anything the BNP says. if you do, you're either lying or delusional.

please inform us all...whats this "union black" you speak of? :biggrin:
Reply 19
you musnt read many of my posts if you think im being heavy handed :biggrin:
and im very calm :smile:

my logic shouldnt be surprising, being that it is actually logical. unlike the ramblings you appear to be coming out with this evening.

please inform us all...whats this "union black" you speak of? :biggrin:

Somebody suffers from short-term memory loss :flute:

Technik (2 days ago)
lol what a joke.

also...its a bit racist to talk of "multiculturalism" and then just include a bit of black to represent the (very small) minority of black people in this country. what about peoples of other parts of the world?

best just stick with the current flag