I have been looking forwards to coming to university since long, but right now it seems so close, that I tend to be a little scared.
This probably sounds stupid, given that it's not much of a deal (happens to thousands of students), but going to uni really scares me right now.
First of all it will be an all new country (although I have been coming to England every year during my holidays). Then the prospect of uni itself sounds quite scary, just the size of the place (over 10000 students

) in comparaison to my school (2000 students).
One of my main fears is the idea of not knowing anyone, I'm used to going to the same school for the past 7 years and seing my friends every new year...
There is also the fear of not being capable of achieving anything descent. (I have to admit that I lack self confidence, you probably realized that by now and that I have a lot of trouble to deal with defeat, sounds weird I know)
And then I am really afraid that studying maths will make people walk away...
I know it might sound stupid (immature maybe I don't know), but I just wanted to know if I was the only one to feel like this? I can usually cope with stuff and am the kind of person who can deal with problems by himself, but this seems a lot...