The Student Room Group

Worried about uni


I have been looking forwards to coming to university since long, but right now it seems so close, that I tend to be a little scared.

This probably sounds stupid, given that it's not much of a deal (happens to thousands of students), but going to uni really scares me right now.

First of all it will be an all new country (although I have been coming to England every year during my holidays). Then the prospect of uni itself sounds quite scary, just the size of the place (over 10000 students :eek: ) in comparaison to my school (2000 students).
One of my main fears is the idea of not knowing anyone, I'm used to going to the same school for the past 7 years and seing my friends every new year...
There is also the fear of not being capable of achieving anything descent. (I have to admit that I lack self confidence, you probably realized that by now and that I have a lot of trouble to deal with defeat, sounds weird I know)
And then I am really afraid that studying maths will make people walk away...

I know it might sound stupid (immature maybe I don't know), but I just wanted to know if I was the only one to feel like this? I can usually cope with stuff and am the kind of person who can deal with problems by himself, but this seems a lot...
Reply 1
Don't worry...your concerns are perfectly normal. I'm going to a London university from a tiny village in the countryside and even though I'm going to be in the same country, I'm terrfied! There will be loads of people in the same boat as you.....which uni are you going to? x x x
Don't worry about any of those things, everyone is in the same position.

Nearly everyone is at univeristy with near to no-one who they know and for just about everyone the size in the university is much greater than anything they've known: but not everyone is out and about at the same time like a school and a univeristy is much more spread out in general than a school, so even though there are more people it may work out that the univeristy is less rouded than a school only 1/5 the size.

As for maths making people walk away from you...donm't worry about it. In my experience the fact I did math didn't affect anything. Ansd if you wanted to a subject to do that, in my expereince both physics and computer science are seen as much worse than maths, maths is seen as a normal subject in comparision :wink:(I don't mean to offend any physics or computer science students here....well maybe only those who I made friends with while at :p: :wink:
Reply 3
Thanks for your replies, I guess it will just feel weird the first two , three weeks and from then on everyhing should seem normal, by then I might even get to know a few people with which I can go out for a drink at the pub or just have a discussion.

which uni are you going to?

Imperial college in London (you know the uni with the worst girl to boy ratio in the whole country lol, not that I care but this seems to be what imperial is known for)

How about you, what uni are you going to?
Reply 4

I have been looking forwards to coming to university since long, but right now it seems so close, that I tend to be a little scared.

This probably sounds stupid, given that it's not much of a deal (happens to thousands of students), but going to uni really scares me right now.

First of all it will be an all new country (although I have been coming to England every year during my holidays). Then the prospect of uni itself sounds quite scary, just the size of the place (over 10000 students :eek: ) in comparaison to my school (2000 students).
One of my main fears is the idea of not knowing anyone, I'm used to going to the same school for the past 7 years and seing my friends every new year...
There is also the fear of not being capable of achieving anything descent. (I have to admit that I lack self confidence, you probably realized that by now and that I have a lot of trouble to deal with defeat, sounds weird I know)
And then I am really afraid that studying maths will make people walk away...

I know it might sound stupid (immature maybe I don't know), but I just wanted to know if I was the only one to feel like this? I can usually cope with stuff and am the kind of person who can deal with problems by himself, but this seems a lot...

Of course you're not the only one! Seriously, the people who DON'T worry about these kind of things are the odd ones out.
Just remember that everybody is in the same boat as you - not knowing people, worried about achieving (whether it be academic or drinking competitions), and living in an unfamiliar place. Because of these worries, you've already got things in common with most of the other freshers! So, as for getting to know people, just go up and introduce yourself to people and you'll soon feel better about that. If anyone is stupid enough to walk away from you for studying maths, they're probably not worth getting to know :wink:. Considering maths tends to be very male dominated, you'll probably have people on your course at least talking to you rather than walking away.

This is perfectly normal for anyone about to start university, so have a hug :hugs: and don't worry :smile:
Reply 5

I have been looking forwards to coming to university since long, but right now it seems so close, that I tend to be a little scared.

This probably sounds stupid, given that it's not much of a deal (happens to thousands of students), but going to uni really scares me right now.

First of all it will be an all new country (although I have been coming to England every year during my holidays). Then the prospect of uni itself sounds quite scary, just the size of the place (over 10000 students :eek: ) in comparaison to my school (2000 students).
One of my main fears is the idea of not knowing anyone, I'm used to going to the same school for the past 7 years and seing my friends every new year...
There is also the fear of not being capable of achieving anything descent. (I have to admit that I lack self confidence, you probably realized that by now and that I have a lot of trouble to deal with defeat, sounds weird I know)
And then I am really afraid that studying maths will make people walk away...

I know it might sound stupid (immature maybe I don't know), but I just wanted to know if I was the only one to feel like this? I can usually cope with stuff and am the kind of person who can deal with problems by himself, but this seems a lot...

You don't sound stupid at all. It is completely normal to be concerned and a bit scared, I know I was! You just have to remember that everyone is in the same position as you. You will be fine, university is a lot of fun if you want it to be.

By the way, are you going into halls?
Reply 6

Imperial college in London (you know the uni with the worst girl to boy ratio in the whole country lol, not that I care but this seems to be what imperial is known for)

My friend's sister dropped out of imperial for that reason. She hated it :frown:
Reply 7
lol, mate... everyone is in the same boat as you, just go around and say hi to as many people as you can and it'll help heaps! most of you are coming from various parts of england to these unis.. spare a thought for the guy whose from the opposite end of the globe!!! :wink:
Reply 8
You don't sound stupid at all. It is completely normal to be concerned and a bit scared, I know I was! You just have to remember that everyone is in the same position as you. You will be fine, university is a lot of fun if you want it to be.

By the way, are you going into halls?

Yes I will be staying in halls, so that's my chance to get to know people I guess. I put my preference to intercollegiate halls, rather than Imperial halls, in order to meet people who don't only study scientific courses.

My friend's sister dropped out of imperial for that reason. She hated it

:frown: sorry to hear that, in my case it will probably help me to focus when I'm ment to (never managed concentrating with a cute girl around), and I will (hopefully) not be restrained to imperial grounds so it's not my main concerns so far.
Reply 9
I'm going to Kingston :smile:
Reply 10
Yes I will be staying in halls, so that's my chance to get to know people I guess. I put my preference to intercollegiate halls, rather than Imperial halls, in order to meet people who don't only study scientific courses.

You will definitely meet people in halls. It's a good idea to go into halls, even if the people you meet and talk to at first don't end up being your good friends, it will give you the chance to go out, get used to everything, and to meet other people as well.

I would bet you money that you arrive at your halls and end up in the pub with a group of people a couple of hours later :biggrin:
I was so scared about uni. I'm quite shy so I thought I'd never make any friends, a nd would be really homesick etc. As it turns out I'm loving it: I've made loads of great friends (large unis are good cos there's bound to be people you get on with) and am really enjoying my course. i've also fallen in love (with a mathematician!) so its all good really!

Edit: Yeah halls are great fun! I've made a lot of friends in my Halls, including my boyfriend, who was the guy i lived opposite to!
Reply 12
I think everyone is worried at some point about starting Uni, and those that say different are lying! Don't worry, everyone will be feeling the same, you'll make loads of mates in the first few weeks, most of which you'll still be close friends when you leave Uni.

You'll have the time of your life and when you get there you'll forget about your worries! Good Luck and have a great time at Uni! :hugs:
Reply 13
lol, mate... everyone is in the same boat as you, just go around and say hi to as many people as you can and it'll help heaps! most of you are coming from various parts of england to these unis...

I second that. There'll be a good number of internationals/EU citizens from outside the UK who have got the same worries and might not know their way around Britain as well as you, being a native, would do. By helping them with some of their concerns, that might just seem to you like extremely small niggles, you can build some confidence and make new friends at the same time. I'm sure they would appreciate that.
Reply 14
Hey Neo,

I'll be in the year above you reading Maths at IC...
Don't worry about not making friends - there are loads of people of all different background, tastes and opinions here, and you're bound to find someone you get along with!
Maths has about 230 odd pupils and a large percentage of (chinese) girls. you'll soon find that everyone performs at the same level as you academically. Remember that you only got in because you were considered good enough by the uni.
IC only select people who they think have the brains to get 2.1s or 1sts. how hard to work is up to you, so you DO have the raw talent, no matter where you come from.

There are also a really high number of international students as well, whom you can mix with. What sort of interests do you have? do you know what societies you want to join?

PM me if you want to know more about hall life/academic life/social life in and around uni...
Reply 15
What sort of interests do you have?

Although I don't play an instrument, I can't live without listening to music (I really am into punk/metal, but recently have found myself listening to a lot of DJ mixes), but I am open to any other sort of music. I also enjoy going to the movies or just kicking a dvd into the player and siting back. Most of all spending time with my friends, whether it is at a club (but you can't talk much and it get's really expensive) or at someones place.

Societies: I heard there was a clubbing society at IC, is it worth it? I was thinking of the maths society, but thought that it would look lame (same for the chess society). Can you recommend any societies that are just for some enjoyable time, nothing serious, just fun.

Sports: I will get back to playing badminton.

This is me btw, so you can recognise me if ever you come across me :wink:

-Any french girls? (lol I'm probably asking too much here)

-I look a little pissed on the second pic lol
Reply 16
Although I don't play an instrument, I can't live without listening to music (I really am into punk/metal, but recently have found myself listening to a lot of DJ mixes), but I am open to any other sort of music. I also enjoy going to the movies or just kicking a dvd into the player and siting back. Most of all spending time with my friends, whether it is at a club (but you can't talk much and it get's really expensive) or at someones place.

Societies: I heard there was a clubbing society at IC, is it worth it? I was thinking of the maths society, but thought that it would look lame (same for the chess society). Can you recommend any societies that are just for some enjoyable time, nothing serious, just fun.

Sports: I will get back to playing badminton.

This is me btw, so you can recognise me if ever you come across me :wink:

-Any french girls? (lol I'm probably asking too much here)

-I look a little pissed on the second pic lol

Yeah that's pretty much what most people do at uni - get a group of friends, and either go to a club, or stay in and watch dvds. one or two evenings a week people go and do their societies.

Clubbing Soc this year was a waste of time. 450 people signed up for it, but they only ever organised like one outing which I couldn't go on... eventually you wanna go clubbing with your mates not some randoms from the society.
Mathsoc wasn't too bad this year... it organised wednesday afternoon footie, a couple of social activities, such as ice skating, etc, and invited a few speakers. not too bad, but it's not as big as some of the other subject socs like Phys Soc. That may change this year.
You can do any soc you like btw, nobody really cares.

And there are french girls, so you may be in luck :p:
Reply 17

I have been looking forwards to coming to university since long, but right now it seems so close, that I tend to be a little scared.

This probably sounds stupid, given that it's not much of a deal (happens to thousands of students), but going to uni really scares me right now.

First of all it will be an all new country (although I have been coming to England every year during my holidays). Then the prospect of uni itself sounds quite scary, just the size of the place (over 10000 students :eek: ) in comparaison to my school (2000 students).
One of my main fears is the idea of not knowing anyone, I'm used to going to the same school for the past 7 years and seing my friends every new year...
There is also the fear of not being capable of achieving anything descent. (I have to admit that I lack self confidence, you probably realized that by now and that I have a lot of trouble to deal with defeat, sounds weird I know)
And then I am really afraid that studying maths will make people walk away...

I know it might sound stupid (immature maybe I don't know), but I just wanted to know if I was the only one to feel like this? I can usually cope with stuff and am the kind of person who can deal with problems by himself, but this seems a lot...

Don't worry, it'll be fine! Everyone is a bit unsure of going off to uni and wondering whether they will make friends and manage not to fail the course ( :wink: ), but as the others have all said, you're sure to meet people you'll get along with fine, especially if you are in halls :smile: . I'm not looking forward to trying to work out the English names and symbols for everything in Physics, but I'm sure there will be other's from overseas who didn't take A-levels, so I doubt I'll be at a huge disadvantage. You should be fine with maths, just review your lecture notes each week instead of trying to learn last minute for the exams and I'm sure you'll do fine.
Reply 18
Yeah that's pretty much what most people do at uni - get a group of friends, and either go to a club, or stay in and watch dvds. one or two evenings a week people go and do their societies.

Clubbing Soc this year was a waste of time. 450 people signed up for it, but they only ever organised like one outing which I couldn't go on... eventually you wanna go clubbing with your mates not some randoms from the society.
Mathsoc wasn't too bad this year... it organised wednesday afternoon footie, a couple of social activities, such as ice skating, etc, and invited a few speakers. not too bad, but it's not as big as some of the other subject socs like Phys Soc. That may change this year.
You can do any soc you like btw, nobody really cares.

And there are french girls, so you may be in luck :p:

The Physics soc is good then? :biggrin: