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Reply 1
I find a tot of rum increases my concentration.
Reply 2
Skip all of the energy drinks, they just make you more agitated and get you more wound up when you cant think of anything (or in cases like mine, put you to sleep)
Just drink what you enjoy, or if you like, juice (particularly juice with quite a bit of citric acid) helps you concentrate =)
Reply 3
Water Water Water
I tend drink coke and a mars bar :yep:
Reply 5
Bit of apple juice is always a winner. Just dont drink too much! :smile:
Reply 6
I find a tot of rum increases my concentration.


Nothing, you'll need to pee.
monster energy drink :woo:

side-effects include: crap grades.
Reply 8
wee dram of whiskey
Reply 9
water! can't get much better than water..or fruit juice. Personally I wouldn't drink any of those energy drinks or anything with caffeine in.
pound down a guiness. you'll looks so manly they will have to give you top grades.
Please. Don't do what most do and drink that sugar filled crap.

Plain water is fine.
Reply 12
Gin and Tonic.
Reply 13
Horse semen.
wray & nephew
Gin and Tonic.

This would certainly be my choice. :wink:

On a serious note: water and nothing else.
a litre or two of lambrini.
if you have coffee on a morning usually make sure you have that (cause giving yourself withdrawal won't help) and then water or fruit juice is best (some oily fish the night before is good too)
Reply 18
Nothing, because otherwise I'm always desperate for the toilet during the exam. Although I usually am anyway, regardless.