The Student Room Group

Losing weight

Hey so im not that big jus a little overweight and a very self conscious so i was just wondering how many calories i should be eating per day in order to lose say two pounds a week including around three long exercise sesions a week. Any nutritionists or people educated on such materswho can help me out-would be much appreciated.

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Reply 1
i read somewhere that u shudnt eat less than 1200 calories a day, otherwise your metabolism slows down. so maybe something around that number is the best? but im not an expert! and i guess if ur exercising 3 times a week u shud lose upto 2 lbs a week.
Reply 2
cheers thanks i never knew that--so thats hy no one recommends starvation diets. anyway thanks very much any suggestions are great and i'll definately take that into consideration
Reply 3
Best thing to do is - eat little and often - have 5 smaller meals a day - dont go more than 6 waking hours without eating something, even if it's just some fruit as this will keep your metabolism ticking over. Also, do some weights - this will also increase your metabolism.
if you go to you can sign up for a free diet profile, where it will tell you how many calories you should be eating to lose weight based on your age, height, weight and activity level, I think.
Reply 5
Don't cut calories, it'll just slow your metabolism further. Exercise 5 times a week for at least 30 mins each time and split up your meals into 5/6 smaller portions

Don't eat anything within 2 hours of sleeping.

Try to only drink water - soft drinks are empty calories which don't help
Reply 6
I agree except for the 32 hours before sleeping. best way is to avoid sugar calories by not eating chocolate or sweets (1 bar = 20 minute jog to burn), drink plenty of water (at least 2/3 litres) and avoid foods high in fats like chips and crisps. also read the topic I made, its in one of the topics at the top, all about losing fat
Reply 7
Why do you disagree about the 2 hour before sleeping part, if you eat shortly before sleeping your body is trying to burn off calories while it's metabolism is at it's lowest, which means a higher build up of fat.

Also has links with fatigue if you eat just before sleeping
Reply 8
Yes and calories in late at night = fewer calories out because your body cant process it as fast just before sleep. It's a scientific fact whether you like it or not.
Reply 9
i used to have a quite muscular body but since due to quiting an excercise program the muscles turned to fat, i dont know how im going to get rid of the fat!!!?!?! any tips?
Reply 10
Your muscle hasn't turned to fat, muscle and fat are 2 different tissues, they don't just change into each other.
Reply 11
Yeah, I can noly echo what everyone has said, eat a balanced diet and excersize regularly, but remember to allow yourself the occasional treat.
Reply 12
wow people are so uneducated. muscle and fat dont turn into each other.
Reply 13
Lol @ "imasillynarb", seriously i'm sat laughing at how sad some people are, you do realise that

a) you're in the wrong
b) you come across a complete loser getting so worked up about text you're reading from people you don't know.

I'll give you some negative rep as you probably actually care :rolleyes:
Reply 14
Omg dude, you need to chill out seriously! and i dont appreciate being sworn at. I never said it would make you put on weight, just that it makes it harder to lose it...if you ate a piece of chocolate at 10am then your body would be better capacitated to burn it off quicker...if you eat it at 10pm then it doesnt have the same capacity so will hang around longer.

I don't appreciate you arguing about something you know NOTHING about, I know your metabolism is slower later in the day, nobody is denying that, but thats got nothing to do with what we're talking about here.
Reply 15
Lol @ "imasillynarb", seriously i'm sat laughing at how sad some people are, you do realise that

a) you're in the wrong
b) you come across a complete loser getting so worked up about text you're reading from people you don't know.

I'll give you some negative rep as you probably actually care :rolleyes:

I'm not getting worked up, like you said, its a bunch of text from people I don't know.

And, I'm not wrong, not that you'd have a clue though.
you really are "a silly narb" and you can pick between either of these definitions for the word narb, regardless of what you take it to mean.

AS taken from urbandictionary
9. narb
the epitome of a loser, a typical narb is an intellectually inferior, sexually challenged individual that does not partake in bathing.
that narb is stupid, gay, and he smells like a horse.

10. Narb
A slurred way of saying newb

P.S leave Fleece alone, she seems a nice person.
Reply 17
you really are "a silly narb" and you can pick between either of these definitions for the word narb, regardless of what you take it to mean.

P.S leave Fleece alone, she seems a nice person.


I didn't say she wasn't a nice person.
Reply 18
I don't appreciate you arguing about something you know NOTHING about, I know your metabolism is slower later in the day, nobody is denying that, but thats got nothing to do with what we're talking about here.

Well excuse me but i thought we were talking about losing weight? and how if you eat later in the day then you burn less fat? And being as we both agree that your metabolism is slower in the day, and that a slower metabolism = fewer calories burned..then it has everything to do with what we are talking about.

And what is this talk of knowing nothing about it? You clearly need to check your sources.

I agree with Marisad :biggrin: thanks :smile:
Reply 19
Basically I want to lose a stone pretty quickly.

I want to go from 112 lbs to 98 lbs.

How do I do this in about 3 weeks?