The Student Room Group

Most Underrated Band/Artist?

Ok, so we've had 'most overrated band'...who gets your vote as the most underrated band?

Supergrass are one of my fave bands and I have always thought they're very underrated...most people just remember them for songs like 'moving', 'alright' and 'pumping on your stereo' but haven't actually given the albums a go... I can't think of many other bands who have been so consistently good for the past 10 years.

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Supergrass .

I totally agree. There one of those bands that have constantly great rock-indie songs with a pop twist that everyone can appriciate.

Quality all the way that are (in my opinion) equal, if not better ,than the present big-hitters. i.e.(oasis, coldplay etc)
Reply 2
How on earth can Supergrass be underrated?! Compared to the vast majority of bands, they're huge.
Can't pinpoint one but Morgana Lefay, Blind Guardian, Hammerfall and Stratovarius would be underrated IMO.
Reply 4
How on earth can Supergrass be underrated?! Compared to the vast majority of bands, they're huge.

Yes, compared to the vast majority of bands....but I just think a lot of people that only know a few of their more popular songs don't realise how good all of their other material is...
Reply 5
romantica... am listening to them now... aaaaah

also the working title, aiden, boulevard band and sittser
Reply 6
Reply 7
arctic monkeys
Reply 8
Beverley Knight is underrated in my opinion..
Reply 9
Beverley Knight is underrated in my opinion..

Yeah, I'd definitely agree with that actually.

Turin Brakes are pretty underrated, which is a shame, because it totally forced them to change their style of music...

Damien Rice, used to be. When he first released "Volcano" like three years ago, it didn't even enter the Top 40...
*steph 247*
arctic monkeys

b*llocks, I love the Monkeys as much as anyone, but they are never underrated. Given the fact they are a new band, without even a proper single release yet, they have a huge following, and it's not exactly like the critics don't rate them.

I'd disagree about Supergrass too, because, well...they're a bit ****...

Love and Big Star are bands that I would say are underrated in terms of the fact they were never as popular as they should've been...though the critics do say they are great, so they're not overrated in that respect...
Reply 11
interpol i agree, also bloc party-they hardly get any airplay and they are nominated for the ercury music prize
also bloc party-they hardly get any airplay and they are nominated for the ercury music prize

Top 10 albums and singles, sell out tours, Mercury Music Nomination...they're not underrated...
Reply 13
The Pixies :rolleyes:

Or the Bloodhound Gang. I don't reckon being a one hit wonder did justice to them.

Edit: This is assuming we're talking about bands that people have heard of that are underrated because as Babyshambles said new bands don't really have an opportunity to be underrated.
Reply 14
Top 10 albums and singles, sell out tours, Mercury Music Nomination...they're not underrated...

That's what I think. Neither Bloc Party or Interpol are underrated. Bloc Party definetely not.

And the thing is about Interpol, just because they're not hugely mainstream, does not mean they're underrated. The people that do know about them, think they're great (well, a majority), so it's not that they're underrated at all, just that they're not really mainstream yet.

They're critically acclaimed in the US (so I hear), and loads of celebs are coming forward saying they love them, so they'll probably as big as BP soon...
The Pixies :rolleyes:

Or the Bloodhound Gang. I don't reckon being a one hit wonder did justice to them.

Edit: This is assuming we're talking about bands that people have heard of that are underrated because as Babyshambles said new bands don't really have an opportunity to be underrated.

How can they be one hit wonders? They're not. Maybe from a Radio 1 point of view but they had singles like Fire Water Burn, Ballad of Chasey Lain, Along Comes Mary, Bad Touch, Mope, Return of the Great White Dope... all of them were released and got loads of airplay on MTV. They just didn't have the same success in the same countries.
That's what I think. Neither Bloc Party or Interpol are underrated. Bloc Party definetely not.

And the thing is about Interpol, just because they're not hugely mainstream, does not mean they're underrated. The people that do know about them, think they're great (well, a majority), so it's not that they're underrated at all, just that they're not really mainstream yet.

They're critically acclaimed in the US (so I hear), and loads of celebs are coming forward saying they love them, so they'll probably as big as BP soon...

You have a PM by the way :P

The thing with Interpol is that they're too dark and edgy to be mainstream. It's music that can't be mainstream.

and yes Bloc Party and Interpol had loads of hype around them, so that can't be considered as underrated.
The thing with Interpol is that they're too dark and edgy to be mainstream. It's music that can't be mainstream.

Interpol are mainstream.

perhaps not in a 'top of the pops' type of way, but they certainly are in a 'sell out 2 nights in a row at Brixton Academy' type of way.
Reply 18
How can they be one hit wonders? They're not. Maybe from a Radio 1 point of view but they had singles like Fire Water Burn, Ballad of Chasey Lain, Along Comes Mary, Bad Touch, Mope, Return of the Great White Dope... all of them were released and got loads of airplay on MTV. They just didn't have the same success in the same countries.
Ah, in that case I apologise. I wasn't aware of their fantastic success (I'm a bit sheltered). :frown:

I'd disagree about Supergrass too, because, well...they're a bit ****...

Haha, that's fair enough...everyone's entitled to an opinion...I still love 'em though! One of the happiest bands ever.... :smile: