The Student Room Group

Help!!! i dont no what to do and time is ticking...

hey people, how you doing
got a bit of a problem, or it could be me reading to much into nothing but here goes anyway. so i went to this house party about a year ago was kinda amazing and i ended up sharing a bed with two girl i was in the middle of the two :wink: . anyways i was on the right side of my body and playing with the girl on the right and then suddenly this arm appears from the left of me and the girl on the left starts rubbing my chest not realising im busy with the girl on the right. (and i ended up playing with two girls in 1 bed at the same time and they never new :redface: ) trust me it wasnt as good as it sounds at the time i was ******** myself.
ok anyways the girl on the left is a friend of mine and we stayed m8s and never kinda spoke of that night after but she keeps on wanting me to hook up 4 dinner or for a movie or ice skating and im so sure she is going to try and make a move, as one of her best m8s has told me she still has a thing 4 me. what do i do? i cant put her off anymore :frown: she has given me a date and a time and the clock is counting down.
im screwed i no it, plz help :frown:

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Reply 1
Where's the problem? A girl fancies you... problem? :dontknow:
Reply 2
lol but i dont fancy her theres my problem, plus i dont want to hurt her, i feel like i kinda led her on
Reply 3
shag her, but be a really unselfish lover. Then she'll want you to go back to being friends again. :wink:
Reply 4
What, you think 'playing' with her could have led her on a bit? Really? :p: Why don't you fancy her? If you're here and there you could go out with her anyway and see how you feel, if you're sure you don't, just be honest with her and tell her you're sorry but you're not interested. Hardly a terrible problem!
Reply 5
see the problem is im a flirty kinda guy, and trust me she is one of them girl that will never talk 2 you again if she was rejected.
shes cute and all but just not right for me, if you get me
Herleif Arkadios
shag her, but be a really unselfish lover. Then she'll want you to go back to being friends again. :wink:

unselfish lover as in be selfless and give her everything she wants, how is that going to make her want to be "just friends" if this is some twisted irony i don't get it. Surely if he was a really "selfish lover" it would work out much better for him, as there is no way shell wanna go back for more of him gettin what he wants and giving nothing back! :rofl:
Reply 7
Then you'll never talk to her again (I really doubt that); it doesn't look like you've got more than two options here, either you pull her or not.
Reply 8
oh yeh i 4got to mension she is going to be starting the same uni as i am in september, so i have to keep things sweet but still reject her some how, or i could kinda get with her and ditch her but thats not right man i couldnt do it, id feel to bad
Reply 9
Universities are very, very big places. You've probably already done the bad thing, and the only things you can do are bad, but it's better to do the one that finishes the mess quickly than leading her on for however long just to keep her happy.
Reply 10
Just tell her you aren't interested in a relationship....and if she asks for no strings you either take it and enjoy or say you don't agree with that at this point in your life.
Reply 11
wear a t-shirt saying "15 stis and counting",

on a more serious note a) Tell your friend you dont like her b) tell the girl in person c) ignore and forget
Reply 12
how could they not notice each other??? I thought I was unobservant..
Reply 13
tell her straight how you feel.

Put the poor girl out of her misery so she can move on.
Reply 14
thats right, jus go with her for that day and explain your feelings towards her.
Is you dont like her then jus be friends.
Reply 15
thats right, jus go with her for that day and explain your feelings towards her.
Is you dont like her then jus be friends.

If she dosent cut your bits off :rolleyes:
Reply 16
how could they not notice each other??? I thought I was unobservant..

yeah... just what I was thinking!

Reply 17
pretend u are really into her and scare her off with umm..really serious romantic dates, commitment stuff, constant phone calls, over-possessiveness etc

watch "how to lose a guy in 10 days"...great movie :biggrin:
but i guess life isn't really that simple if u wanna stay her friend
Reply 18
hey thanks for your imput, ill tell her to her face, im just scared i will lose her as a mate, but your right i have to be straight with her, then its up 2 her what happens
Reply 19