The Student Room Group

Manchester Engineers - Formula Student

I am posting this on behalf of a friend who is currently the Suspension team leader (but will not be next year) of Manchester University's Racing Team.

He has asked me to post this informing any new Manchester University Engineering Students (Any speciality) of Formulas Student. Basically every year Uni's from all over the UK and the rest of the world inc, USA, Australia, Canada, Italy, Sweden, Finland to name a few compete at a competition at Bruntingthorpe Aerodrome in Leicester.

The aim of the competition is for the Universities to design and build a 1 seater racing car, similar to Formula One style over the length of the academic year and race it against all of the other teams. The competition not only involves racing but there are 'static' competitions as well i.e. you get judged for design, cost, website design and presentational skills.

Those without much time on their hands need not apply, it's full on and for some of the students it is the main part of their 3rd year dissertation and so can't be messed up. There is also a lot of money put into this project every year something along the lines of £10-£20k.

But on a brighter side it is fun! There will be plenty of socials i.e. curry nights lol and the competition it self is amazing and you are almost certainley gonna have a laugh unless your a complete recluse.

The University of Manchester Racing Team will have an information stand set up at Freshers Fair '05 where you can meet the current team members, get information and hopfuly this years car will be there too! So you can get a feel of what you will be building in September (BUT BETTER! of course).

For next years car I know that the positions of TEAM LEADER, HEAD DESIGNER, CHASSIS TEAM LEADER AND SUSPENSION TEAM LEADER are taken already but that does not mean that your position will not be as active, no one slacks.

For more information in the mean time, the Manchester Formula Student website is

and the official formula student website for IMechE is

If you want any more information drop me a line and i'll get my friend to get in touch!
Reply 1
P.S....This is for University of Manchester Students only, for all you MMU people word has it a new automotive engineering degree and Formula Student will be coming to MMU in 2006!
Reply 2
ow my god..yes im me me..ow only a year 1 :frown: . although Ill be studying mechatronics i am really in to my cars. actually im gonna ask around n see if anyones inetersted in building a track car or a rally car at uni...dunno but its just a thought
Reply 3
Doesn't matter if you are a fresher at all! When I mentioned 3rd years it's just a couple of the 3rd years doing it have chosen to carry on with it and report on it for their dissertation

They want all years...go along to freshers fair and put your name down, alternatively I can give you my mates e-mail and you can have a chat.
Reply 4
ah nice one matey. I'd love to get involved..alhthough its questionable how much free time I will have in first year, I hope its not only wed afternoon it? damnt it... but ye, i wont mind emailing him.
Reply 5
If your free time is your worry, They started with about 40 people at the beginning of the year and about 20 later on because some people didn't have enough time. So you could try anyway there is no commitment unless it's far into the project and you are depended on.

Make your mind up after you get your time table, there are also some not so big jobs on the team that don't require so much time. :smile:
Reply 6
yeey ive contacted him. sounds cool to me. as most of the team is graduating they need new members for the team to carry on. Ill go and join up at freshers fair. thanks again
Reply 7
Cool, Good luck :biggrin:
as one of the original team from 4 yrs ago and the original drivetrain team leader this is a superb opportunity and does you well on your CV as i found out :smile: