Me and my girlfriend of 2 years split up 4 weeks ago when I moved from Manchester back to Scotland to pursue my career as a pilot in the RAF. She is not really willing to move up here with me, nor is she keen to move around with me when I join the RAF, understandably. She has her own life to get on with as do I.
What I am trying to get at though is that we are such a good couple, never fight, always loving, fantastic sex life, best friends, have an amazing time together even just going for walks or going to the cinema, she is by far the best friend I have ever had. Anyway, we discussed splitting up because we would be so far apart and we have lived out of each others pockets now for 2 years and we love each other so much that it would be hard not seeing each other for weeks on end. We split up on such good terms that it has been a really bad break up if that makes sense. I think about her every hour of every day, I fantasize about her constantly. She says she does the same, we are so identical to each other, like soul mates or something.
What I want from you guys is some helpful advice. I love her so much, she loves me so much, it is pretty clear in the perfect world what must be done, but as always its not a perfect world. Careers come first, and money gets in the way of happiness as usual.
I want her, but I can't have her, its like this invisible force field between us. I don't know what I can do. I just want to be happy and being with her will make both of us happy.
Please help...