The Student Room Group

Progestogen-only Pill

If you take the Progestogen-only Pill and you don't get a period (some girls do, some don't), what happens to the egg that needs to be 'flushed out'? Does it leave through discharge?

This is something that I've never thought to think about before, but my mum brought it up when I told her about the weird pains and the way my left leg feels weaker (keep falling back on it, like it gives way or something. Weird). I'm speaking to my pharmacist about that today, and then perhaps making an appointment.

My discharge is a lot thicker than it was before I went on the Pill and when I was on Microgynon 30, so I'm just wondering if the egg leaves this way?

Apologies for the 1000th Pill post!
Reply 1
If the egg is not fertilised, it'll just die and either be digested by macrophages, or pass out harmlessly in your normal discharge. It’s only a tiny tiny thing really. As you’re now on progestogen only, the main way this works is through thickening your cervical mucus so it’s not surprising you’re noticing more discharge.
Cheers for that! Thanks!

It's all a bit science-y really, isn't?
Reply 3
Cheers for that! Thanks!

It's all a bit science-y really, isn't?

Well, a little bit, but I enjoy reproductive medicine and find it quite interesting in a bizarre way.