The Student Room Group

Crisis On What Course To Apply For! (Pharmacy vs. Astrophysics)

My first love was always astrophysics, then I realised I wasn't intelligent enough to do it.

Then I switched to pharmacy, which I would also love to do.

But I think I did pretty well in my Maths AS, I was going to drop it, but now I am not sure.

My AS Levels are maths, phys, chem and bio. I didn't find it that stressful this year, so should I continue with all 4? I need chem and bio for pharmacy, and maths and phys for astrophysics!

It's just, if I did astrophysics, what would I do with it afterwards? Pharmacy is a vocational course and there are plenty of jobs to be had when I've finished the degree.

I find maths hard work but the mechanics side of it very enjoyable.

When choosing my AS Levels I felt I had no choice than to choose science. I want to learn about science, and ever since I chose to drop maths, I have felt guilty, I do not want to stop learning it!

Would doing astrophysics be stupid because there are not many job prospects at the end of it? Or should I do what I love? But, I think I would be happy in either course... though Astrophysics would satisfy my imagination more!

:frown: Gah. I'll stop now. Help. Anyone doing astrophysics? I know a lot about pharmacy, but not about astrophysics.
Reply 1
I can't help much but it sounds to me like you'd prefer astrophysics so just do that because you love it. There are plenty of related jobs you can go into, and you could always do a masters in something more general.
Wait until you get your AS results before you make a final decision, but if you have done well in maths and your other subjects and you've found the workload manageable, you might as well carry on with all 4. That will at least leave your options open in case you change your mind at the last minute. From what you've said, it sounds like you really love astrophysics but are worried that you won't be able to get a job afterwards. I'd personally go for the subject you love over the one with more obvious career prospects because you're more likely to do well if you enjoy what you're studying. If you look in some prospectuses or check out some websties, it should tell you what graduates from that course have gone on to do to give you some ideas.