The Student Room Group

under 18's in bars

Ok I know I used to do it, and this is yes, I admit hypocritica,l....but youth culture has changed since....( I am sure)

does it annoy anyone else...especially in q's to bars and clubs

'' oh have you got your fake id at the ready'', whats you DOB... '' whats the starsign to go with it'' ''act normal'' smile at the bouncer ''

..grr.... im so tempted to say things sometimes...!

but I dont.. :biggrin:

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Reply 1
If you did it, then you can understand why they do it then. :confused: So stop moaning.
Reply 2
everyone does it, you did it. don't let it annoy you, just remember how much you wanted to get into that club/ bar/ whatever. oh, and be grateful you don't live in the usa where the legal drinking age is 21!
xxx pheebs xxx
Reply 3
Wetherspoons on a Friday night is particularly amusing :wink:
Wetherspoons on a Friday night is particularly amusing :wink:

Oh God yes. Me and my friends coming up with our plans for getting into the Regal when we were all underage.. awesome.

I'm 18 today! no more lieing to get in for me lol
To pedants like me the misuse of apostrophes is a lot worse a crime than going in to bars underage....
Reply 7
Wetherspoons on a Friday night is particularly amusing :wink:

Yates is worse, they are so many Wetherspoons in Manchester it depends which you one you go to, some are full of young proffesionals, some full of scallies and some full of old men.

Yates however is full of 12 year old girls on a friday night getting drunk on Reef.It really is not a nice place, I have only been to Yates once and that was a monday evening, it was awful.
Reply 8
Tonight Matthew
Oh God yes. Me and my friends coming up with our plans for getting into the Regal when we were all underage.. awesome.


Classic. I made the mistake of meeting a guy there for a date. Not only could I barely find him because of the excess of 16 year olds in miniskirts drinking Blue WKD but even when I did, we couldn't hear each other speak and kept getting interrupted by the bouncers throwing out flailing teenage lads and by someone vomitting on the carpet right inside the door :puke:

Have to say I was relatively good when I was going into pubs underage - me and my friends just went in and sat with each other. If we got ID'd then we were screwed, but mostly because we weren't caked in makeup (trying to look old) and were being sensibleish, they didn't spot us.
Reply 9
One of the best things when we were underage was being able to get in without even being IDd. When I was about 16 I could get in to most places in the delightful Croydon without a problem. When I turned 17 for some reason it was a lot harder and the whole "whats my DOB?!?!?!" shenanigans really took over.

Usually the girls wearing trousers and a top, looking smart, got in. Those in mini skirts who looked young and still very petite were always stopped.

I feel a bit hypocritical as now I'm older I get annoyed with little 16 and 17yr olds in bars...but we were all their age once and most of us did the same as they did.
i think its funny.....i love it when they get ID and turned down!!

haha i'm just evil

but then my fake id never was an NUS card..
Classic. I made the mistake of meeting a guy there for a date. Not only could I barely find him because of the excess of 16 year olds in miniskirts drinking Blue WKD but even when I did, we couldn't hear each other speak and kept getting interrupted by the bouncers throwing out flailing teenage lads and by someone vomitting on the carpet right inside the door :puke:

Yup, the Regal is a properly rough place. Just rank. Sadly, everyone I know insists on going there. I've started to get people around to going to the Boathouse though.. well, once, before my sixth form leavers' ball. But it's a start.
I'm 18 today! no more lieing to get in for me lol


Oh but its such fun, especially if you do it so much at the local you become a regular and they don't check..... :rofl: oh the fun of school :biggrin:
I hate it, they should be much tougher on under 17 year olds definatly

If anyone got that.. well done!
Reply 14
Underagers in bars and clubs piss me off, and I'm underage myself! I hate it when the girls dress so sluttily to look older and it just makes it more obvious they're underage!
Reply 15
To pedants like me the misuse of apostrophes is a lot worse a crime than going in to bars underage....

''oh'' ''my apologies'' ''one'' wasnt'' aware'' that'' '' one'' had'' to''watch'' one''s grammer'' in'' such'' forum''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
I'm 20 and still underage in the US! It's so annoying that I have to get a draft card but can't have a beer. 16 year olds in a bar? That's insane. Most places here won't let you in unless you're over 21, and some even have police officers at the door. They're trained to spot fake IDs and it's a huge fine for getting caught. Can't wait to get to London and be able to buy myself a drink... Just 2 more months.
Reply 17
I go into bars and i'm underage (not by much though). I can see your point of view actually. Normally the underages are pretty obvious though, they never look the bar staff in the eye and always look downwards and sound generally feeble. My friends and I normally get served no problem, but there again, we don't act like idiots and don't get horribly wasted and puke everywhere. The bar staff can normally tell if you're going to be a pain/idiot.
Reply 18
Underage people are annoying, or at least the ones who look underage are. The ones who look 18+ are more mature, and hence act appropriately for the type or bar or club you're in. The ones who are obviously underage act like kids. "Oh my God, I'm drinking barcardi breezers, this is like my third one, I'm so drunk, heheee!!!". :rolleyes:

I work in a bar at the weekend. The kids think I can't tell when they're underage. They produce ID for "Sutton Coldfield University" and inform me that they're 22, and that Sutton Coldfield is on the south coast. :rolleyes:

Here's a tip kids: decent bars only accept passports and drivers licences. And if you're going to pretend to be at uni, make sure it exists.

Here's a tip kids: decent bars only accept passports and drivers licences. And if you're going to pretend to be at uni, make sure it exists.

Would they accept a US driver's liscence? I don't want to have to carry my passport everywhere. Oh, and do you need much experience to get a job in a bar? I'd like to get a job while I'm studying, and bar tender is up there on the list.