The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Requirements for LLB at Bristol:

A Levels AAB in single sitting and at first attempt

So yeah, straight after A Level, it's just a different name for an undergraduate degree so people know it's in Law, I guess.
Reply 2
LLB course is a qualifying law degree so sometimes its slightly different to a BA but sometimes a BA is qualifying too.
It'll say in a prospectus.

You can do LLB straight from A Levels.
Reply 3
oh thank you :smile: Another question, can someone explain the stages in uni degrees like.... You get a 3 yr degree (its just called a degree right?) and then is it Masters? (for a year is it??) and then is it PHD or something?? :confused: someone explain this if you can?? :confused:

thanks again :p:
Reply 4
It depends what you do. A regular degree although some degrees are more than 3 yrs, are 3 yrs then you get a degree with or without honours depending on how you do, some unis do a 4yr course straight from school where you get a masters that happens mainly with the scottish unis, if you do a Masters as a follow on from an undergrad its normally one year but can be two, masters may either be taught or research, then Phd which can vary with how long it takes and thats research.
Reply 5
Thanks a lot viviki :p:!!!!


<returns to daily business>
You might be interested in how your undergraduate degree is graded. It is graded like this: 1st, 2:1, 2:2, 3rd, pass.

More information about British degrees: