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i have just come to known that i suffer from psoriasis, i know what it looks like as my younger brother has been diagnosed with it nearly 10 yrs ago. It's in it's early stages and wanted to know what treatment other psoriasis sufferers are using. Any advice would be much appreciated.

PS. I haven't yet been to the doctors and neither have i informed my parents. My parents have been through a lot and i can't bear to add to their worries.
Reply 1
i have just come to known that i suffer from psoriasis, i know what it looks like as my younger brother has been diagnosed with it nearly 10 yrs ago. It's in it's early stages and wanted to know what treatment other psoriasis sufferers are using. Any advice would be much appreciated.

PS. I haven't yet been to the doctors and neither have i informed my parents. My parents have been through a lot and i can't bear to add to their worries.

Try diprobase. There's also this other stuff which looks like oil which you put in the bath and it clears it up, sorry if that isnt much help.
Reply 2
is the oil stuff u describing called Oilatum by any chance?
Reply 3
You really need to seek medical help with this. I've suffered since I was 14 (many years ago). There are a whole host of organisations you can aproach for general advice. Try the psoriasis association (via the web) for general info.
Reply 4
is the oil stuff u describing called Oilatum by any chance?

Nope, this stuff is black, really viscous. Goes in bath and you're supposed to soak for a good 30 mins, then its all disappeared for a while. It was my mums friend that had this, the scales had totally disppeared after bathing in this stuff, damn, wish i could remember the name.
Reply 5
I suffered from psoriasis just before my parents were divorcing. If your parents have 'been through a lot' it's possible you're shouldering a lot of the effort and coming under some personal stress. Like exzema it has strong psychological links, and it manifests your stress in the red patches. When I stopped getting in the middle of my parents, mine cleared up completely. In times of major stress, it flares up a tiny bit still though.

Go to the doctor, he can prescribe creams and ointments. Bath oils like oilatum work well (can't remember the one i used, it was similar to oilatum and worked wonders - will have a check). But try and sort out the psychological stuff too (if it's only flaring up now it might well be connected to this). Try to find ways to relieve your stress or lessen the burden of responsibility you carry, and if possible maybe look into therapy.
Good luck!
Reply 6
Hey, psoriasis is a lot to do with stress so don't stress yourself out by trying to cope alone. See you GP, and ask to be referred to a dermatologist if the GPs knowledge of it isn't great.

My dad had it, and I sometimes worry I'm going to get it. Try and keep your skin well moisturised, especially on your elbows and knees where skin is usually very dry. There are lots of steroid creams doctors can give you to help, for skin and scalp.

Please don't try and do it alone, and don't worry about's more common than you think :smile: Between 8 of my neighbours, 5 of us have had it.
i have just come to known that i suffer from psoriasis, i know what it looks like as my younger brother has been diagnosed with it nearly 10 yrs ago. It's in it's early stages and wanted to know what treatment other psoriasis sufferers are using. Any advice would be much appreciated.

PS. I haven't yet been to the doctors and neither have i informed my parents. My parents have been through a lot and i can't bear to add to their worries.

my advice is to tell your parents before it becomes an acute problem. Psoriasis is very misunderstood firstly iI want to say - no it is not contagious you cannot catch it - and it can lead to problems such as arthritis usually called Psoriatic Arthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis is another and also pyschological problems such as depression, also it is a disease which has been triggered by the immune system. Psoriasis can flare at any point also it 'loves' stress, so keep chilled out if you can! I preferrably use coal tar solutions such as Exorex lotion and protopic ointment and betacap scalp application. Things you can get OTC is usually E45 cream (usually takes out the itch and redness) or use vitamin E oils - go to your local chemist and ask them which preparations are useful for psoriasis - also it depends on where your psoriasis is situated! if it is only mild psoriasis they may ask you to see your doctor and they will give you a prescription for hydrocortisone cream - as steroids are the best bet for psoriasis usually unless it becomes immune to it!

give me a PM if you want anymore info as I myself am a moderate to severe sufferer of this condition unfortunately :frown: xoxo
Nope, this stuff is black, really viscous. Goes in bath and you're supposed to soak for a good 30 mins, then its all disappeared for a while. It was my mums friend that had this, the scales had totally disppeared after bathing in this stuff, damn, wish i could remember the name.

Markus hunny stuff you are on about its Polytar :smile: xoxo
for info about the condition go to they go through different types, causes and treatments available - also there is a forum on which you can ask for help or want to know more about treatments etc xoxo
Reply 10
i have just come to known that i suffer from psoriasis, i know what it looks like as my younger brother has been diagnosed with it nearly 10 yrs ago. It's in it's early stages and wanted to know what treatment other psoriasis sufferers are using. Any advice would be much appreciated.

PS. I haven't yet been to the doctors and neither have i informed my parents. My parents have been through a lot and i can't bear to add to their worries.

I have psoriasis. I've had it since birth. Are you 100% sure it's psoriasis?

What do you want to know?